So one of my Day Zero projects is to go a week without Facebook. Yesterday morning I woke up and decided I was going to do this now. In two and a half years when the project is over it probably wouldn't be as big of a deal to go without Facebook anyway, but why not try it. I read a post on BG about someone not getting online much for a while because the internet consumes so much of our lives anymore and it made me think. I am still going to be on here and occasionally BG I'm sure but for the most part I'm going to stay away from the internet.
It already made me more productive this morning. Instead of getting up with the boys and then checking my FB I started cleaning right away. I picked up the livingroom, kitchen, and dining room and then moved all of the furniture and swept. That was as chore! I still need to do dishes but I at least have laundry started also. The bedrooms are going to be fun. They boys' room is such a disaster I don't even know where to begin! I am however hoping to find my missing iPod in there at some point. I think I'll start on it once Bentley gets up from his morning nap. Maybe I'll even take before and after pictures. It's embarrassing how disgusting it is but with the way Jaxton empties the toybox and then Bentley helps pull everything around the room-it only takes 10 minutes to be destroyed (and then an hour to clean).
The rest of my afternoon was going to be spent taking Easter pictures of the boys but it rained last night so it's too wet outside:( Maybe tomorrow. I think I'll mow and maybe scrapbook during naptime though!
The amount of time I spent on BG is why I left... that and all the idiots! I don't think I could give up facebook for a week though.