I haven't been to the doctor since the end of January when we moved. Now we have insurance and it's time to start up again so I can figure out what is going on with me. Most of you probably know about the issues I've been having since after I had Bentley and if you don't you probably don't care to and you might want to just skip over this part. I'm really nervous because I am pretty sure they are going to say a)I need surgery to correct the problem or b)I won't be able to have more kids easily. Lucky for my our insurance covers 100% of infertility issues. For those who don't know we have been trying to conceive for about seven months now. Yes, I know I have to wonderfuly boys and I should be happy I have them. I am, but I still just feel that emptiness where I want at least one more. Preferrably a girl this time but I know I can't always have what I ask for:) Anyways, I really just want answers more than anything right now and I'll deal with whatever else is thrown at me as it comes along.
Had to get that little rant out. It's been stressing me out because believe it or not I really don't like going to the doctor or even calling them at all. You would think after my last pregnancy that I would be used to it by now but nope. I still hate it all and get too worked up every time I have to go.
On another note I have completed another goal that I haven't posted yet. I went all of April without even going close to Wal-Mart! Yep, I did it! I still haven't gone and don't plan to anytime soon either. Along with that I have gotten a lot more scrapbook pages done as well as finished a few more books. I have been in the mood to read a lot lately, which is a good thing because it occupies me during training since everyone else moves at snails pace in there.
Well I suppose I should start getting Jaxton to wind down some and maybe go watch a movie or read some more. I started The Lovely Bones today and am pretty sure it's going to be finished pretty quickly because it's good so far! I'll probably be back to update more tomorrow!
Good luck, momma! <3