I keep forgetting to update on my Day Zero Project. I tend to be a procrastinator with that sort of thing at times. Since I last posted I've completed two more goals. 11. Redesign blog with my own design. It took me forever to get it on there right and it still glitches at times but it works for me for doing it from scratch:) 71. Go to 5 new restaurants. I had posted on the other 4 but the 5th and final new restaurant was Chick Fil A. I got a hard time for having never eaten there since I was working over at Buffalo Wild Wings and it took until the middle of last month for me to finally go. Megan and I went while we were on lunch one day. It was actually pretty good. The chicken was really juicy instead of dried out like most places. I'd definitely go back again!

The other couple that I have done more on would be 9. Read 191 books. I'm up to 20! I just finished Smack which is about a couple that runs away when they are 14 and of course get into drugs and such in the city and their long journey getting out of those habits. Then I am almost done with 96. Make 101 pages for the kids' scrapbooks. I am up to 97. I am probably finished but I only put the ones on here that I remember to mark down so I don't feel like I'm cheating. I've been working so hard to have Bentley's caught up before his birthday which is in a week and a half now!
That's about it for the time being!
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