Sorry it's taken so long to post! I keep getting distracted between Facebook, kids, and going with a friend to get her new camera!
I'll start with the boring pic...the MCP pic is "lion or lamb." Well we were at Kohls and I saw these and whipped out my camera like an idiot and took my pic:)
For the big part of the day now..tattoos! I have a small list of ones I want and got to cross two of them off today! Yes, I got TWO new ones today (not the first time I've done that either lol) So here is number one:
Since I love being a mother and love newborns especially, this represents me perfectly. Here's a pic to show the placement:
Then the second one I got I plan on probably adding to after we are done with kids but I won't go into what I plan to do right now...and it looks kind of uneven because part of the stencil is still there.
Toad got two but here is the funniest one. Him and Tre couldn't stop laughing while doing this
Yep...that's my husband! The funny part was he kept trying to get me to get one too but I wouldn't do it.
And just because I love them and I've been slacking the past few days, here are a few of the kiddos
And now I need to get my butt in the shower and get to bed since I have to work all day tomorrow!
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
A Day at the Workplace
Today's theme for the March Photo Challenge is "your desk/workspace." Since I don't have a desk I did my workspace and a few extras just because:) Here is my workspace as most people see it:
I thought about taking pics of the different areas as I was in them but gave up on that so here are the first couple...this is my proof to all of the people who constantly ask us if we use fresh fruit that we really do! I peeled all these bananas and another bunch about that big today and that'll maybe last the weekend.
And just in case you don't know where I work here's a picture of my cup that went home lol
I had more I was going to post on but can't remember what it all was and hubby is home tonight so we're watching a movie so off I go!
I thought about taking pics of the different areas as I was in them but gave up on that so here are the first couple...this is my proof to all of the people who constantly ask us if we use fresh fruit that we really do! I peeled all these bananas and another bunch about that big today and that'll maybe last the weekend.
And just in case you don't know where I work here's a picture of my cup that went home lol
I had more I was going to post on but can't remember what it all was and hubby is home tonight so we're watching a movie so off I go!
25 Things That Make Me Happy
This is one of the things on my Day Zero Project that I always think about doing but just haven't gotten around I decided to just do it:)
- Listening to my boys playing and giggling together. Hearing them laugh and watching them play alone is cute too but this morning they were getting along so well and laughing at eachother and it made me smile.
- Snuggling with Korbin. I love to snuggle and since my husband works overnights and doesn't like to snuggle anyway I love having a baby to sleep with at night. It is so sweet how he just curls right up next to me or on me and knows if I leave his side!
- Spending time with my husband. We don't get to do it kid-free very often but when we do get the chance to and we actually have a good time it's really nice. I miss getting more alone time with him once in a while.
- Getting a new tattoo. For some reasons tattoos really make me happy. It is one of those stress relievers I really can't explain. I've been in a weird mood lately so I'm hoping a new tattoo will bring me back up a little!
- Scrapbooking. I love when I actually have time to scrapbook. It is especially fun to look through the boys' old scrapbooks and see how much they've grown. I don't care if they enjoy them when they get older or not because I really like making them anyway!
- Having a good chat with a friend. Since I don't get out a whole lot usually this takes place online or through text, but it's still nice. It makes me realize how much I miss some of my friends who don't live here though.
- Going for walks with the kids. I love every part of this. The fresh air, the questions Jaxton asks the whole way, Bentley talking back to Jaxton sometimes, the exercise, and really just being outside.
- Getting a full night of sleep. Now here's one I haven't had in a long time, but I'm ok with that. However, when it actually does happen it is so refreshing! I'm sure I still have a little while before I get one but since I get my snuggles instead it's a good compromise:)
- Sweatshirt weather. I love it when it's cool enough out to wear hoodies. They are so comfortable and I think perfect weather is when it's cooler anyway.
- Mint oreo blizzards from Dairy Queeen. I'm obsessed. Not much else needs to be said here!
- Breastfeeding. I never did this with the older boys, so I never knew what I was missing but I am so glad I am doing it this time around. The bonding time and the little smiles I get while he is eating are the sweetest thing ever.
- Doing something nice for someone. By this I mean without asking for anything in return also. It always is just a good feeling to know you can make someone else's day by doing something small.
- Getting my hair done. I love getting my hair colored, probably too much sometimes. It just makes me feel like I look better, which in turn makes me feel better about myself.
- Taking pictures. Anyone who knows me should know I do plenty of this. I just love being able to capture those sweet moments on camera since nothing lasts forever!
- Clothes shopping (when things fit). I'm not usually one to buy much for myself but when I do want some new clothes it's such a good feeling when something I like actually fits nice too!
- Being pregnant. Call me crazy but it is such an amazing thing to know there is another life growing inside of you. Even with the complications I've had the last couple of times, I try to enjoy as much of it as I can!
- Thunderstorms. A good thunderstorm is always relaxing. I can just sit and watch it rain and lightening for hours.
- Taco Tico. I love eating so why not add in my favorite place to eat. I'm a picky eater but their sanchos, tacos, crustos, and fountain Dr Pepper will bring up my mood any day!
- Long, hot, uninterrupted showers. The uninterrupted part is probably the hardest to get to but they are amazing when they do happen. Even when someone is watching the kids I can usually hear one crying or yelling so I feel the need to hurry.
- Reading a good book. I haven't had the chance to read much lately but I love getting into a good book, especially a series! Reading on the porch during a thunderstorm is probably the best thing ever.
- New shoes. For some reason I have a new obsession with buying new shoes. I want tons of different kinds I've never cared for before, even though I have absolutely nothing to wear with them! Guess I should try fitting into more of my clothes soon:)
- Spoiling my kids. They have way more toys than they ever play with and don't even notice if we take some away, yet I am always buying them something new. Also for spoiling them with attention...the older two love being tickled and thrown around!
- Hearing a random compliment. I am not always good with taking compliments but it is always nice to hear one. I am my biggest critic so hearing that I am doing looks good or even something about me in general helps me feel a little better about things.
- Getting mail from someone. Email just isn't the same. I love getting even Christmas cards or something just because it isn't just bills coming in! Written letters are the most fun though, even though it's hard to find the time to sit and write them anymore.
- Being a mother. This is probably the most important one to me. Yes, there are days where I wonder what I got myself into, but every second is worth it. Having children is the most amazing thing ever and hearing them say "I love you" to me, randomly come give me a kiss, smile at me, or whatever sweet things they come up with, make every problem I have completely wash away for the time being<3
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Not sure what I think of the new Blogger setup! I updated it after I posted last night and didn't check out a whole lot but it's way different. It looks a lot cleaner but is kind of hard to find everything now that I'm so used to the old one. was kind of a long day again. Jaxton had a major attitude, which continued after preschool. I hate to say it but I was so thankful for naptime and then to go to work. I'm not usually that bad but I am at a loss of how to get this kid to behave! Hopefully this phase ends soon because he really can't get much worse.
I got off work a little early tonight only to start feeling sick. Not sure why but I just want to throw up and I'm completely against doing it so I'll continue to feel like crap I guess. Probably my messed up eating habits from the last couple of days kicking me. Sometimes I feel like I need to put a reminder in my phone to eat because by the time I feed the kids something that I don't want and feed Korbin I get occupied with keeping them busy or doing something else and forget to feed myself. I was doing really good for quite a while because feeding Korbin seemed to make me hungry all of the time but it's finally slowed down a little bit.
Speaking of food, today's theme for the photo challenge was "lunch time." I should have taken a pic of the kids to get a real lunch time picture since they ate at the right time but I had mine at about 2:30 on my way to work since I didn't have the chance before then. Of course this means it was healthy lol. I completely meant to take a picture before eating but since I was starving and so I ate it as soon as I got it there's just this left for a picture
Now for some disgusting reason I'm not very tired even though I neeeeed to sleep. I have a dr appointment at 7:45am and that's way too early to be ready for anything! Looks like pinterest will be putting me to sleep tonight since Jaxton has control of the tv at the moment. was kind of a long day again. Jaxton had a major attitude, which continued after preschool. I hate to say it but I was so thankful for naptime and then to go to work. I'm not usually that bad but I am at a loss of how to get this kid to behave! Hopefully this phase ends soon because he really can't get much worse.
I got off work a little early tonight only to start feeling sick. Not sure why but I just want to throw up and I'm completely against doing it so I'll continue to feel like crap I guess. Probably my messed up eating habits from the last couple of days kicking me. Sometimes I feel like I need to put a reminder in my phone to eat because by the time I feed the kids something that I don't want and feed Korbin I get occupied with keeping them busy or doing something else and forget to feed myself. I was doing really good for quite a while because feeding Korbin seemed to make me hungry all of the time but it's finally slowed down a little bit.
Speaking of food, today's theme for the photo challenge was "lunch time." I should have taken a pic of the kids to get a real lunch time picture since they ate at the right time but I had mine at about 2:30 on my way to work since I didn't have the chance before then. Of course this means it was healthy lol. I completely meant to take a picture before eating but since I was starving and so I ate it as soon as I got it there's just this left for a picture
Now for some disgusting reason I'm not very tired even though I neeeeed to sleep. I have a dr appointment at 7:45am and that's way too early to be ready for anything! Looks like pinterest will be putting me to sleep tonight since Jaxton has control of the tv at the moment.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
MCP Day 28
Today's theme is "animal" and of course the first animal that came to mind was Gizmo! So here is my poor puppy looking all depressed (because daddy had him shaved)
Not much to talk about tonight...worked all day, ran to the store, gave the kids baths, and now we are in bed. I have Korbin on me so it's hard to type too so I'm calling it a night:)
Not much to talk about tonight...worked all day, ran to the store, gave the kids baths, and now we are in bed. I have Korbin on me so it's hard to type too so I'm calling it a night:)
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Nothing creative to name this post
I have had too much going through my head to think of a lot to post right now. This post will just pretty much be pictures and some descriptions...maybe I'll post more late.r
Today's theme was "star" and I had a couple of ideas that involved the kids but caught this one this evening instead. I know the moon and star look funny since they aren't in focus but I kind of like the way it turned out.
Today's theme was "star" and I had a couple of ideas that involved the kids but caught this one this evening instead. I know the moon and star look funny since they aren't in focus but I kind of like the way it turned out.
The pictures from today are only of Bentley and Korbin because Jax had preschool and then was crabby most of the rest of the day.![]() |
He is such a terd. He turns off the bouncer anytime Korbin is in it but he turns on the vibration and the music whenever he wants to sit in it! |
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There are the cheeks! |
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There is no controlling this kids hair! |
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He walked around like this for almost an hour on and off this afternoon lol |
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"Check out my muscles mommy!" |
Monday, March 26, 2012
50 Questions That Can Help Free Your Mind
Saw this on a friend's blog and decided it sounded interesting so here goes...
These questions have no right or wrong answers.
Because sometimes asking the right questions is the answer.
1. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? Around the same age I actually am. I think my age fits me, although all I seem to hear from others is I don't look old enough to have 3 kids...
2. Which is worse, failing or never trying? Definitely never trying. If you fail, you can at least learn from your mistakes. If you never try there is usually regret.
3. If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do? Sometimes we really don't have a choice or the things we would like to do aren't always in the cards.
4. When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done? I'm sure. I tend to talk a lot and have big hopes/dreams sometimes. I'd love to do a good majority that I've talked about doing though.
5. What is the one thing you would most like to change about the world? For nobody to judge others. This would most likely prevent wars many people are quick to judge others without ever getting to know the slightest bit about them.
6. If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich? Probably just staying with my kids most of the time like I do now:) I have been given the option not to work and my husband would actually prefer me not to but I chose to stay working for now just to have a little more adult interaction (and spending money)
7. Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing? In most cases I think I'd go with doing what I believe in.
8. If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?I would spend as much time as possible with my children before I left them and make sure they know how much I truly love them.
9. To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken? Everyone controls the course their life takes. Yes, others may influence that to a point, but you always have a say.
10. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things? I am a perfectionist with a lot of things so this is almost a trick question for me. I'll have to choose doing the right things though (and then doing them right lol)
11. You are having lunch with three people you respect and admire. They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing she is your friend. The criticism is distasteful and unjustified. What do you do? Tell them that they do not know the person like they think they do and maybe they shouldn't be so quick to judge unless they've walked a mile in her shoes.
12. If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be? Live every day like it's your last.
13. Would you break the law to save a loved one? In a heartbeat
14. Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity? Oh yes! Especially in photography:)
15. What is something you know you do differently than most people? Totally random but apparently I hold my pen differently than most "normal" people.
16. How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy? Happiness is in the eye of the beholder. Of course little things like seeing my baby smile or cuddling with my kids isn't going to make others happy...especially if the person doesn't care for children or something.
17. What is one thing have you not done that you really want to do? What’s holding you back? Get into photography more again. What is holding me back? I am a perfectionist and am never 100% happy with the outcome of my pictures. I just got the go ahead to sign up for a photography course in the fall though and I am trying to learn more about my camera as well as learn from my flaws so I can be happier with the pictures overall.
18. Are you holding onto something you need to let go of? Off the top of my
19. If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why? Oh jeez...just tried this a year ago and it didn't work out so this is tough. If I had to pick a state I right now I guess I'd say Mississippi because my long lost sister (figuratively speaking) lives there and I'd love for our kids to play together more often!!
20. Do you push the elevator button more than once? Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster? No, it actually drives me crazy when people do that
21. Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton? Joyful simpleton.
22. Why are you, you? Because God made me this way
23. Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend? I'd like to think so, although I know I don't keep in touch with all of the friends I'd like to as often as I'd like to...
24. Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you? Definitely losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you. I've had both happen and actually both with the same friend but I'm happy to say she lives further away now but is a good friend:)
25. What are you most grateful for? My family
26. Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones? Never be able to make new ones.
27. Is is possible to know the truth without challenging it first? Yes.
28. Has your greatest fear ever come true? To an extent greatest fear would be for something to happen to one of my children. I lost one before getting to meet him/her a couple of years ago.
29. Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset? Does it really matter now? I get upset so easily that I couldn't even tell you what I would have been upset about last week let alone 5 years ago!
30. What is your happiest childhood memory? What makes it so special? This one is hard...I'm going to say going to my grandparent's house in the summer with my cousin. We all took turns every year for a week at a time. It was special because it was back when the littlest things still made me extremely happy and we both were always spoiled when we were there. Also my grandpa has since passed away and now my grandmother is seen as the crazy one in the family and tends to get on everyone's nerves easily so I'm not close to her anymore. Yes I know that sounds like I am judging her, which I have complained about, but there actually is a lot to the story I'm not getting into.
31. At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive? In the recent past I'd have to say giving birth to Korbin<3
32. If not now, then when? see above...I'm getting tired so it wouldn't be now
33. If you haven’t achieved it yet, what do you have to lose? Nothing?
34. Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, and walked away feeling like you just had the best conversation ever? Those are some of the most amazing moments:)
35. Why do religions that support love cause so many wars? Because they all believe in other things as well, which they disagree on apparently.
36. Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil? No, something bad can happen with everything "good" and visa versa.
37. If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job? Only if it meant we moved elsewhere, but I would still work in some way (hopefully photography)
38. Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing? More work I enjoy doing...I like staying busy
39. Do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before? day is ever the same with kids around!
40. When was the last time you marched into the dark with only the soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in? Not sure on this one...
41. If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today? My mom, even though I see her all of the time
42. Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous? Nope. Don't care to be either one
43. What is the difference between being alive and truly living? There doesn't have to be a difference.
44. When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right? Depends on the situation at hand. If you know it's right and there is little risk than there is no reason not to go ahead with it.
45. If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake? To me, because I don't like hurting others and if someone were hurt in any way from my mistake it would bother me.
46. What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you? Honestly, I stopped caring so much about people judging me a while ago. If someone doesn't like me because they're judging me than that is their problem and not mine:) So nothing.
47. When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing? I do most nights when I'm laying with Korbin and listen to his breathing with my own
48. What do you love? Have any of your recent actions openly expressed this love? My family and I would think so considering I tell them I love them every day.
49. In 5 years from now, will you remember what you did yesterday? What about the day before that? Or the day before that? Nope. My memory is horrible. If I would remember something from one of those days I definitely wouldn't associate a date with it!
50. Decisions are being made right now. The question is: Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you? Depends on the decision but for most I make them myself.
These questions have no right or wrong answers.
Because sometimes asking the right questions is the answer.
1. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? Around the same age I actually am. I think my age fits me, although all I seem to hear from others is I don't look old enough to have 3 kids...
2. Which is worse, failing or never trying? Definitely never trying. If you fail, you can at least learn from your mistakes. If you never try there is usually regret.
3. If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do? Sometimes we really don't have a choice or the things we would like to do aren't always in the cards.
4. When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done? I'm sure. I tend to talk a lot and have big hopes/dreams sometimes. I'd love to do a good majority that I've talked about doing though.
5. What is the one thing you would most like to change about the world? For nobody to judge others. This would most likely prevent wars many people are quick to judge others without ever getting to know the slightest bit about them.
6. If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich? Probably just staying with my kids most of the time like I do now:) I have been given the option not to work and my husband would actually prefer me not to but I chose to stay working for now just to have a little more adult interaction (and spending money)
7. Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing? In most cases I think I'd go with doing what I believe in.
8. If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?I would spend as much time as possible with my children before I left them and make sure they know how much I truly love them.
9. To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken? Everyone controls the course their life takes. Yes, others may influence that to a point, but you always have a say.
10. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things? I am a perfectionist with a lot of things so this is almost a trick question for me. I'll have to choose doing the right things though (and then doing them right lol)
11. You are having lunch with three people you respect and admire. They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing she is your friend. The criticism is distasteful and unjustified. What do you do? Tell them that they do not know the person like they think they do and maybe they shouldn't be so quick to judge unless they've walked a mile in her shoes.
12. If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be? Live every day like it's your last.
13. Would you break the law to save a loved one? In a heartbeat
14. Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity? Oh yes! Especially in photography:)
15. What is something you know you do differently than most people? Totally random but apparently I hold my pen differently than most "normal" people.
16. How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy? Happiness is in the eye of the beholder. Of course little things like seeing my baby smile or cuddling with my kids isn't going to make others happy...especially if the person doesn't care for children or something.
17. What is one thing have you not done that you really want to do? What’s holding you back? Get into photography more again. What is holding me back? I am a perfectionist and am never 100% happy with the outcome of my pictures. I just got the go ahead to sign up for a photography course in the fall though and I am trying to learn more about my camera as well as learn from my flaws so I can be happier with the pictures overall.
18. Are you holding onto something you need to let go of? Off the top of my
19. If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why? Oh jeez...just tried this a year ago and it didn't work out so this is tough. If I had to pick a state I right now I guess I'd say Mississippi because my long lost sister (figuratively speaking) lives there and I'd love for our kids to play together more often!!
20. Do you push the elevator button more than once? Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster? No, it actually drives me crazy when people do that
21. Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton? Joyful simpleton.
22. Why are you, you? Because God made me this way
23. Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend? I'd like to think so, although I know I don't keep in touch with all of the friends I'd like to as often as I'd like to...
24. Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you? Definitely losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you. I've had both happen and actually both with the same friend but I'm happy to say she lives further away now but is a good friend:)
25. What are you most grateful for? My family
26. Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones? Never be able to make new ones.
27. Is is possible to know the truth without challenging it first? Yes.
28. Has your greatest fear ever come true? To an extent greatest fear would be for something to happen to one of my children. I lost one before getting to meet him/her a couple of years ago.
29. Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset? Does it really matter now? I get upset so easily that I couldn't even tell you what I would have been upset about last week let alone 5 years ago!
30. What is your happiest childhood memory? What makes it so special? This one is hard...I'm going to say going to my grandparent's house in the summer with my cousin. We all took turns every year for a week at a time. It was special because it was back when the littlest things still made me extremely happy and we both were always spoiled when we were there. Also my grandpa has since passed away and now my grandmother is seen as the crazy one in the family and tends to get on everyone's nerves easily so I'm not close to her anymore. Yes I know that sounds like I am judging her, which I have complained about, but there actually is a lot to the story I'm not getting into.
31. At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive? In the recent past I'd have to say giving birth to Korbin<3
32. If not now, then when? see above...I'm getting tired so it wouldn't be now
33. If you haven’t achieved it yet, what do you have to lose? Nothing?
34. Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, and walked away feeling like you just had the best conversation ever? Those are some of the most amazing moments:)
35. Why do religions that support love cause so many wars? Because they all believe in other things as well, which they disagree on apparently.
36. Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil? No, something bad can happen with everything "good" and visa versa.
37. If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job? Only if it meant we moved elsewhere, but I would still work in some way (hopefully photography)
38. Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing? More work I enjoy doing...I like staying busy
39. Do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before? day is ever the same with kids around!
40. When was the last time you marched into the dark with only the soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in? Not sure on this one...
41. If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today? My mom, even though I see her all of the time
42. Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous? Nope. Don't care to be either one
43. What is the difference between being alive and truly living? There doesn't have to be a difference.
44. When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right? Depends on the situation at hand. If you know it's right and there is little risk than there is no reason not to go ahead with it.
45. If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake? To me, because I don't like hurting others and if someone were hurt in any way from my mistake it would bother me.
46. What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you? Honestly, I stopped caring so much about people judging me a while ago. If someone doesn't like me because they're judging me than that is their problem and not mine:) So nothing.
47. When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing? I do most nights when I'm laying with Korbin and listen to his breathing with my own
48. What do you love? Have any of your recent actions openly expressed this love? My family and I would think so considering I tell them I love them every day.
49. In 5 years from now, will you remember what you did yesterday? What about the day before that? Or the day before that? Nope. My memory is horrible. If I would remember something from one of those days I definitely wouldn't associate a date with it!
50. Decisions are being made right now. The question is: Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you? Depends on the decision but for most I make them myself.
Short and sweet
Not much to post on today. This morning was rough with extremely crabby kids but they finally got out of it and even went down for naps late:) Then I worked all afternoon/evening. Tonight I've actually been overly productive since I fed Korbin and he went down for a nap and stayed there so I've been doing as much as possible so maybe I can scrapbook on my day off tomorrow!
Today's theme for the March Photo Challenge is "bag/purse" I was going to take a picture of my diaper bag since I love it and I've already posted my camera bag in my last 365, but decided to go a little further. Here is a picture of the bag that is probably saved here as much as grocery bags because I'm there at least once a week usually:s
Today's theme for the March Photo Challenge is "bag/purse" I was going to take a picture of my diaper bag since I love it and I've already posted my camera bag in my last 365, but decided to go a little further. Here is a picture of the bag that is probably saved here as much as grocery bags because I'm there at least once a week usually:s
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This particular bag is full of stuff for Easter pics I plan on doing with Korbin later in the week:) |
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Quite the Trip to the Park
I have really been trying to get outside on the days that it's nice out. They need the fresh air as badly as I do sometimes! This mornings bribe to behave was that they could go to the park with Kayden after naps if they were good. Jaxton was really pushing it this morning and had to argue everything I said, which drove me crazy, but since he woke up in a better mood and I didn't have anyone to watch him, we still went.
My mom drove Jax and Kayden and somehow while getting out of the car Jaxton fell and scraped his hand and face a little. Needless to say he was somwhat whiney and cranky. It did make for a funny picture though:)
Bentley is just a little people watcher when we go places. He just stood in the same place for a few minutes after we got there watching the other kids. We had to coax him over to the playground or he probably would have stayed there for a lot longer.
And just because my kids are cute I'll post some more randoms
Today's theme was "what's on your feet." I debated if I should take a picture barefoot, since that's how I was most of the day, or with shoes. Well I didn't get around to taking the picture til later in the evening it is with shoes.
And last but not least, Korbin was not going to go to sleep tonight...he had to watch that I was behaving when I got out the computer
I'm hoping Jax falls asleep soon so I can's been a long day and I don't feel great (probably from eating a ton of cookies) and would like to go to sleep.
My mom drove Jax and Kayden and somehow while getting out of the car Jaxton fell and scraped his hand and face a little. Needless to say he was somwhat whiney and cranky. It did make for a funny picture though:)
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He was pointing at me and saying not to take a picture lol |
And just because my kids are cute I'll post some more randoms
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Korbin hiding from me and snuggling with Gaga |
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Watching the other kids again |
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Taking Bentley some juice |
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Being cute |
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Lol |
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They were buddies. Kayden has to do everything Jaxton does |
And last but not least, Korbin was not going to go to sleep tonight...he had to watch that I was behaving when I got out the computer
I'm hoping Jax falls asleep soon so I can's been a long day and I don't feel great (probably from eating a ton of cookies) and would like to go to sleep.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Colorful! *lots of pics*
Today's theme was colorful and of course I thought of candy! I took a few different ones that weren't so flashy but this one was my favorite for some reason:)
The necklaces they have on are baltic amber ones. They are supposed to help babies with teething but are also supposed to be calming and turn negative energy into positive. I don't know how much I believe this but I figured it was worth a try to get some for the older boys since I did for Korbin. I also got myself a bracelet but it was too small:( One site said they help with carpal tunnel so I was willing to give it a try but I guess not.
Here are a couple other random pics from outside...just because
I had more to post but for some reason Blogger isn't wanting to cooperate so I suppose I'll quit for tonight.
Since it was nice out again we got to play outside for a while this afternoon! The boys needed to get out and get some fresh air for once this week since it's been so rainy and they've been stuck inside. Jax had to have his light sabers and was upset that Bentley wouldn't play more than he did but they still had a good time
The necklaces they have on are baltic amber ones. They are supposed to help babies with teething but are also supposed to be calming and turn negative energy into positive. I don't know how much I believe this but I figured it was worth a try to get some for the older boys since I did for Korbin. I also got myself a bracelet but it was too small:( One site said they help with carpal tunnel so I was willing to give it a try but I guess not.
Here are a couple other random pics from outside...just because
I had more to post but for some reason Blogger isn't wanting to cooperate so I suppose I'll quit for tonight.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Something(s) Sweet
The sweetest thing for me right now is that Korbin is finally starting to smile! I haven't managed to catch it on camera yet though so here is a pic of him today anyway:)
Something else sweet from today was Bentley. He kept walking around with his doll saying it was his baby and he would cover it up with his blanky and pat it's back<3
And then I figured I better do something that is reallly sweet. I bought this just to take a picture of tonight but got it too late to eat so now I'm just drooling waiting for morning...for some reason I still can't lose weight lol
I had to work a good chunk of the day so I don't have anything else to share...I am going to be working on "50 questions to free your mind" that I found on another friend's blog so watch for them soon:)
Something else sweet from today was Bentley. He kept walking around with his doll saying it was his baby and he would cover it up with his blanky and pat it's back<3
And then I figured I better do something that is reallly sweet. I bought this just to take a picture of tonight but got it too late to eat so now I'm just drooling waiting for morning...for some reason I still can't lose weight lol
I had to work a good chunk of the day so I don't have anything else to share...I am going to be working on "50 questions to free your mind" that I found on another friend's blog so watch for them soon:)
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Boring Day
Today was one of those gloomy days where you just feel like doing nothing...and that is pretty much what I did. My mom took Korbin and Bentley for a while yesterday so today was Jaxton's turn to go. Poor Bentley threw a fit that he was left behind and nothing was making him happy. I tried putting fingerpaints in a baggie (an idea from pinterest) but he wanted nothing to do with them. Finally I got him to chill out and we played for quite a bit. Luckily Korbin slept for a while so I got a little one on one time with Bentley for once. When he woke up though Bentley wanted to play with him. He just doesn't quite understand sometimes that he has to be gentle with Korbin even though he tries to beat the crap out of Jax. He finally settled on giving kisses though:)
The afternoon was pretty uneventful. Snuck in a little bit of a nap and tried keeping Korbin content. He is usually really good but today he wanted mommy and only mommy. Literally. He didn't want his bouncer, swing, Grandma, nothing but mommy. Good thing I had nothing planned. When I did want to get up and do a few things tonight I put him in the moby and he chilled for a bit before passing out.
Today's photo challenge theme was neighborhood. I think the picture I got really just captures the day in general. Nothing going on, gloomy, and wet.
Nothing else new or exciting to report today. I actually didn't even leave the house and that rarely happens. Hoping to call it a fairly early night!
The afternoon was pretty uneventful. Snuck in a little bit of a nap and tried keeping Korbin content. He is usually really good but today he wanted mommy and only mommy. Literally. He didn't want his bouncer, swing, Grandma, nothing but mommy. Good thing I had nothing planned. When I did want to get up and do a few things tonight I put him in the moby and he chilled for a bit before passing out.
Today's photo challenge theme was neighborhood. I think the picture I got really just captures the day in general. Nothing going on, gloomy, and wet.
Nothing else new or exciting to report today. I actually didn't even leave the house and that rarely happens. Hoping to call it a fairly early night!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Too Much to Think About
Last night Jaxton wouldn't go to sleep and so I was browsing some of the blogs of note on here for a bit. I came across one about a couple who lost their 9 month old son to a brain tumor after months of being in and out of the hospital for other issues. I was in tears reading the blog that came up and for some reason kept reading and couldn't stop. My heart aches so much for these people and when the mother said someone pointed out to her that the baby lived longer in her womb than outside of it I bawled.
Dealing with a loss of any sort is never easy but which is worse, getting to meet your child even if it is just for a short amount of time or never getting to meet them at all? Most people know that I lost a baby at 12 1/2 weeks. This was hard enough for me and at the time I actually asked myself this exact question.
When you don't even get the chance to meet your child you can only imagine which parent they would have looked like, if it was a boy or a girl, what it would have been like having that child in general. You are constantly realizing the dates related to the baby: when you found out you were pregnant, the baby's due date, the date you lost the baby, when they baby would have been a month old, a year never really goes away. But in the end, you still never got to meet that baby.
When parents do have the chance to spend even a short time with their baby I think they would feel like they really know what they lost. How sweet that baby was, his/her smiles, their looks and attitudes...they know what they had. Hopefully they were able to cherish those moments with their baby in their arms, their baby smiling up at them, or sleeping peacefully. Does it really make the loss worse since they had just that little glimpse at what they are missing out on after the baby is taken? I obviously can't say from experience but I'd have to guess that it really would hurt worse. The quote that comes to mind is "Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" I'm not saying that nobody loves their unborn baby, because anyone who has been pregnant knows that isn't true, but holding a baby in your arms is a whole different sort of love.
All of this going through my head made me realize how lucky I truly am. I went through one loss, but I have three healthy, adorable boys. With the last two I have had slight risks of preterm labor, but they both made it far enough that they didn't have any serious problems. For this I am more than thankful. It has made me realize how much I take forgranted. My life literally revolves around my kids. I rarely spend money on myself and if I do most of the time it can be related to them in some way, either by scrapbooking (for their books) or buying clothes (for an occasion for them usually). I really can't imagine life without any of them.
Yes, they stress me to the max some days and make me want to run away. However, on the few days I am away from them I just want them back. I work a few hours a week just to get out of the house and most of those days I can't wait to get back home to them. Sometimes I feel like I'm not the best mother in the world, as I'm sure all moms do, but I do try most of the time. Sure, I lose my patience and yell, but it happens.
Reading that couples' blog has really made me want to try that much harder to be the best mother I can be to my babies though. Another day is never guaranteed and I could never forgive myself if the last moment I had with my child I was angry or yelling at them. I really want to try and be more patient (especially with Jaxton right now) even though I know it will be hard. I want to try and find more to do with the kids other than watch movies, color, and eat. That of course isn't all we do but I want to do something different at least once a day...maybe make a calendar with ideas so I don't have to sit around every morning brainstorming. With the weather finally getting warm enough to play outside on a regular basis that makes spending time with them even easier.
There really wasn't a point to this post. If anyone actually read this far I'd be surprised to know it. I just wanted to kind of get some feelings out about the whole subject because it really hit close to home. I may not be able to buy everything I want to for my kids but that isn't the important part as long as they are taken care of and loved.
Dealing with a loss of any sort is never easy but which is worse, getting to meet your child even if it is just for a short amount of time or never getting to meet them at all? Most people know that I lost a baby at 12 1/2 weeks. This was hard enough for me and at the time I actually asked myself this exact question.
When you don't even get the chance to meet your child you can only imagine which parent they would have looked like, if it was a boy or a girl, what it would have been like having that child in general. You are constantly realizing the dates related to the baby: when you found out you were pregnant, the baby's due date, the date you lost the baby, when they baby would have been a month old, a year never really goes away. But in the end, you still never got to meet that baby.
When parents do have the chance to spend even a short time with their baby I think they would feel like they really know what they lost. How sweet that baby was, his/her smiles, their looks and attitudes...they know what they had. Hopefully they were able to cherish those moments with their baby in their arms, their baby smiling up at them, or sleeping peacefully. Does it really make the loss worse since they had just that little glimpse at what they are missing out on after the baby is taken? I obviously can't say from experience but I'd have to guess that it really would hurt worse. The quote that comes to mind is "Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" I'm not saying that nobody loves their unborn baby, because anyone who has been pregnant knows that isn't true, but holding a baby in your arms is a whole different sort of love.
All of this going through my head made me realize how lucky I truly am. I went through one loss, but I have three healthy, adorable boys. With the last two I have had slight risks of preterm labor, but they both made it far enough that they didn't have any serious problems. For this I am more than thankful. It has made me realize how much I take forgranted. My life literally revolves around my kids. I rarely spend money on myself and if I do most of the time it can be related to them in some way, either by scrapbooking (for their books) or buying clothes (for an occasion for them usually). I really can't imagine life without any of them.
Yes, they stress me to the max some days and make me want to run away. However, on the few days I am away from them I just want them back. I work a few hours a week just to get out of the house and most of those days I can't wait to get back home to them. Sometimes I feel like I'm not the best mother in the world, as I'm sure all moms do, but I do try most of the time. Sure, I lose my patience and yell, but it happens.
Reading that couples' blog has really made me want to try that much harder to be the best mother I can be to my babies though. Another day is never guaranteed and I could never forgive myself if the last moment I had with my child I was angry or yelling at them. I really want to try and be more patient (especially with Jaxton right now) even though I know it will be hard. I want to try and find more to do with the kids other than watch movies, color, and eat. That of course isn't all we do but I want to do something different at least once a day...maybe make a calendar with ideas so I don't have to sit around every morning brainstorming. With the weather finally getting warm enough to play outside on a regular basis that makes spending time with them even easier.
There really wasn't a point to this post. If anyone actually read this far I'd be surprised to know it. I just wanted to kind of get some feelings out about the whole subject because it really hit close to home. I may not be able to buy everything I want to for my kids but that isn't the important part as long as they are taken care of and loved.
Day 21, Shoes, and More
I'll start off with the pics's theme was "livingroom." Well since the livingroom is filled with baby stuff for the most part (swing, bouncer, bassinet...) I decided to just take a picture of Korbin on his playmat in the livingroom. He is starting to stay on it a little longer and just look around, even though it usually isn't at the things hanging from above the mat lol
I'll start off this part by saying that I am normally not a shoe person at all. I've usually been happy with a pair of decent tennis shoes/running shoes, a few pairs of flip flops, and a pair of dress shoes. For some reason lately I have been really wanting all kinds of shoes I see! When we went to Penneys a couple of weeks ago and I got a new pair, my husband tried talking me into buying a pair of Converses instead. I loved the color of them but wanted something that I could slip on and would match more clothes, so I didn't get them. Well I kept debating and went to see if they still had them today, because I loved the color and they were only $22. Little did I know I would walk out with 7 pairs of shoes for only $3 more!! Not only did they have the exact shoes I went in for on sale for $5 but I also got a pair of Vans that I thought were cute (even though I have nothing to match them), new Sketchers tennis shoes for the older boys ($3 each) and nice brown dress shoes for the older boys ($3 each). Oh, and I grabbed my nephew a pair of tennis shoes too. Good thing there weren't more I liked because I don't even need the ones I have and have to go buy new clothes to match them lol
I also made the usual mistake and went to Hobby Lobby today. The kids all have new scrapbooks now, since theirs were all full/overflowing. I grabbed some things to use in Easter pictures of Korbin I want to take here soon too since it was all on sale. I think tomorrow I'll be catching up on some scrapbooking on my day off:) My husband had the nerve to tell me that scrapbooking is pointless because the boys aren't going to care about them when I give them to them when they're older. I'd love to see more pictures of him from when he was younger and I don't care if they'll enjoy them or not, I enjoy making them and that's what matters most to me!
He was obviously focused on something there...and licking his lips like he thinks he needs to eat again! |
I also made the usual mistake and went to Hobby Lobby today. The kids all have new scrapbooks now, since theirs were all full/overflowing. I grabbed some things to use in Easter pictures of Korbin I want to take here soon too since it was all on sale. I think tomorrow I'll be catching up on some scrapbooking on my day off:) My husband had the nerve to tell me that scrapbooking is pointless because the boys aren't going to care about them when I give them to them when they're older. I'd love to see more pictures of him from when he was younger and I don't care if they'll enjoy them or not, I enjoy making them and that's what matters most to me!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Bathtime and Flowers!
Not together of course:) Today's theme for the March Photo Challenge was "flower." I wanted to take a picture of the gorgeous tulip that had already bloomed at my mom's but the rain knocked it over so that plan went down the drain fast. On my way to work I tried to think of where I could go to get a picture of a nice flower and little did I know Annette had brought an orchid to work! I love orchids, especially white ones but these were really pretty too!
After work I had Jaxton's conference. The nice part of having my mom as his teacher is I always know what happens and how he is doing anyway but it was nice to hear from someone else that he usually is a good kid and is really smart and creative.
When I got home I actualy had some peace because all three kids took naps. If I would have known how long they were sleeping I would have pulled out some scrapbook stuff and enjoyed the quiet time because once Jaxton woke up it ended very quickly. He was beyond crabby and it was not fun trying to get him calmed down. I gave them baths early thinking he would be happy but this was half of our bath time here:
The funny thing was for a while Bentley just kept to himself but I walked out of the bathroom to get Korbin and came back and he was crying with Jaxton! All because they wanted a bubble bath but were mad I shut the water off so they couldn't wash the bubbles off of their arms. Bentley cheered up again only to get mad I was taking pics later on. I have to post two because he's a nut and in the second one he kept getting mad and telling me no!
And it wouldn't be right if I posted pics of the older two and not Korbin too! He actually didn't get mad at me for taking him out of his bath tonight for once!
Now it's back to peace and quiet so I"m off to enjoy it and get some sleep. Another headache has found its way to me and doesn't want to go away...maybe I should stop forgetting to get my pills refilled to get rid of them faster!
After work I had Jaxton's conference. The nice part of having my mom as his teacher is I always know what happens and how he is doing anyway but it was nice to hear from someone else that he usually is a good kid and is really smart and creative.
When I got home I actualy had some peace because all three kids took naps. If I would have known how long they were sleeping I would have pulled out some scrapbook stuff and enjoyed the quiet time because once Jaxton woke up it ended very quickly. He was beyond crabby and it was not fun trying to get him calmed down. I gave them baths early thinking he would be happy but this was half of our bath time here:
The funny thing was for a while Bentley just kept to himself but I walked out of the bathroom to get Korbin and came back and he was crying with Jaxton! All because they wanted a bubble bath but were mad I shut the water off so they couldn't wash the bubbles off of their arms. Bentley cheered up again only to get mad I was taking pics later on. I have to post two because he's a nut and in the second one he kept getting mad and telling me no!
And it wouldn't be right if I posted pics of the older two and not Korbin too! He actually didn't get mad at me for taking him out of his bath tonight for once!
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He's getting so big already! |
Now it's back to peace and quiet so I"m off to enjoy it and get some sleep. Another headache has found its way to me and doesn't want to go away...maybe I should stop forgetting to get my pills refilled to get rid of them faster!
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