Thursday, March 29, 2012


Not sure what I think of the new Blogger setup! I updated it after I posted last night and didn't check out a whole lot but it's way different. It looks a lot cleaner but is kind of hard to find everything now that I'm so used to the old one. was kind of a long day again. Jaxton had a major attitude, which continued after preschool. I hate to say it but I was so thankful for naptime and then to go to work. I'm not usually that bad but I am at a loss of how to get this kid to behave! Hopefully this phase ends soon because he really can't get much worse.

I got off work a little early tonight only to start feeling sick. Not sure why but I just want to throw up and I'm completely against doing it so I'll continue to feel like crap I guess. Probably my messed up eating habits from the last couple of days kicking me. Sometimes I feel like I need to put a reminder in my phone to eat because by the time I feed the kids something that I don't want and feed Korbin I get occupied with keeping them busy or doing something else and forget to feed myself. I was doing really good for quite a while because feeding Korbin seemed to make me hungry all of the time but it's finally slowed down a little bit.

Speaking of food, today's theme for the photo challenge was "lunch time." I should have taken a pic of the kids to get a real lunch time picture since they ate at the right time but I had mine at about 2:30 on my way to work since I didn't have the chance before then. Of course this means it was healthy lol. I completely meant to take a picture before eating but since I was starving and so I ate it as soon as I got it there's just this left for a picture
Now for some disgusting reason I'm not very tired even though I neeeeed to sleep. I have a dr appointment at 7:45am and that's way too early to be ready for anything! Looks like pinterest will be putting me to sleep tonight since Jaxton has control of the tv at the moment.

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