I can't believe my baby is already a month old! It's going by way too fast and I want him to stay my little newborn:( He is starting to stay awake a lot more, especially in the mornings. It's sweet and scary how much he watches the other two. More trouble in the making I'm sure...which is all the more reason to snuggle him and enjoy his innocence now!
Since he is a month old of course a few pictures were taken! I had more planned but we had a day of pooping troubles again for the poor guy so he was more fussy than usual and wanted mommy to hold him at all times...literally. If I set him down he was crying within a minute or two. Oh well...that's what I'm for:)
Chillin in his swing deciding if he's mad yet |
Even sleeping he didn't look happy today |
Not quite how I wanted the pic to work but it's still cute |
"Mommy just hold me!" |
Of course since the other two saw me with a camera they had to join
His shitty little grin |
Lol they can be sweet |
And now Day 2 of my March Photo a Day Challenge: water
Water running for bath time |
And had to add a couple extra
And it is past my bedtime and apparently Korbin's too since he's sleeping in my arms now<3
What a beautiful bunch of boys!