Monday, April 30, 2012

I'm in Love!

With my new lens that is! I didn't think there would be that big of a difference from my other ones but it is so much sharper and lets light in so much better. I will share some pics I took with it of  my boys (who I'm obviously in love with also) but then I'm going to attempt to sleep since a)I posted earlier and b) I now have a massive headache:( Thankfully Korbin is asleep *knock on wood* so I might get a little bit also.
Pretty sure he's going to have my brown eyes:)

He had been covering his eyes and he was telling me not to take a pic here

He fell asleep for a few minutes...didn't last long
And for the last day of April the theme is "something that makes you sad." I was going to take a picture of Korbin being fussy but I didn't have the heart to take the time to get my camera and take a pic instead of holding him and comforting here's what I came up with

I posted a pic of these because I bought them a week ago so I could start running and I still haven't had the chance to run in them:( I'm going to have to start going in the afternoon while the kids are napping I think if I want to go (yes, someone would be home with the kids lol)

Where'd April Go?

I can't believe it's already the last day of April! I didn't post again last night because this teething is kicking our butts. My poor baby just isn't himself by the end of the day and so once I get him to sleep I don't dare get back up or I'm scared I'll have to battle him all over again. I thought he'd go to sleep early last night since he barely napped yesterday but that sure didn't work like I thought. Then we were up at 4, yes that is 4AM! Luckily we got back to sleep around 5ish and slept til almost 8.

There wasn't really much to blog about from yesterday anyway. It was a lazy day, especially with the weather. I did pretty much nothing but hang out with the kids and a little laundry. Today is just finishing up the laundry (just another load to go) and who knows what else. I just got off work not long ago. My new lens just showed up though so I'll probably take the kids outside for a bit when they get up from naps so I can play with it:) I've been wanting this lens for quite a while so I'm way excited I was finally able to get it! I love my husband for not even complaining when I wanted to order it!

Yesterday's theme for the day was "circle" and I looked around til I saw something that had circles that would be kind of fun to use and here's what I ended up with:
I haven't gotten around to taking today's picture yet so I'll work on that and hopefully post again tonight! I just wanted to get this one up while I had the time:)

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Trip to the Zoo!

We have been wanting to take the kids to the zoo and since this weekend was still the cheaper rates we decided might as well take advantage of it! It was kind of scary with how cloudy it was this morning and it spit rain a little on the drive there...but luckily it was perfect (well, to me anyway) while we were there. It was cool enough that there weren't many people and just right with a sweatshirt on. I'm glad it was cooler since I wore Korbin in the wrap most of the time and that little guy produces a lot of heat!

The boys actually had quite a bit of fun. They got bored with the stroller fast of course, which made a lot more work for us, but we made it through! I think they both had the most fun feeding the goats since they could actually interact with them. It was kind of a bummer that a lot of the animals were still put away. There weren't any giraffes and even the camel wasn't out (we were upset on this one since the website said it would be and you can ride on it). Oh well, I guess that's why it was cheaper. We did decide that maybe later in the summer we would try going to the Omaha Zoo and see if they enjoy that more since it's a lot bigger.

Here are a bunch of pictures from throughout the day
Ready to go in!

He could care less where we go as long as he has mommy

My view lol Don't worry I moved his head after this

Checking things out

He liked the seals swimming by

Bentley while watching the seals with daddy:)

One of the few animal shots I took. 


He made this face and jumped back after feeding this goat one little piece of food over and over! It was hilarious to watch!

He was scared of the goats at first but since big brother enjoyed it so much he decided he could too

He had to go through the tunnel to go where you could see the prairie dogs from the middle of their area...but he didn't look at them just kept crawling lol

Daddy and the oldest two boys

My baby woke up!
 After seeing the animals we let them go into the gift shop. Here we had a major meltdown from Jax because he was convinced he wanted a Robin (from Batman) with a yellow cape. Well first we had to tell him that we were at the zoo so he could get something with an animal but they didn't have Batman toys. We didn't bother mentioning that Robin doesn't even have a cape. He finally settled down after we said he could go to Target when we got back home. Here they are once we got in the car.
A mess once again!

Holding onto his new lion.

We made a few pitstops on the way home but didn't get too much. I picked up some flip flops for the boys and I at Old Navy and got them a few things in Story City. I also got to stop at Michaels and get some things which is actually where I was at 1pm (today's photo theme) so here is some of what I picked up!
I could spend so much on stickers! Especially since I tend to get more than one of a lot of things now!
Now it is way past my bedtime though and Korbin keeps waking up since I'm moving my arm too much (he's laying next to me right now) so I suppose I'll stop and get a little sleep before he gets up at 6am again!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Playing catch-up!

Sorry for no post last night for those of you that do read most of the time! Korbin actually went to sleep at 8:30 and since we were up so early I was asleep shortly after!

Yesterday we had our first outing as a family to eat dinner. We went out to Mineral City and shortly after arriving we debated if it was a good choice. By the time we ordered drinks we thought about leaving because Bentley was mad he couldn't go run around and had to sit in the booth with us! Once the waitress brought crayons though he settled down momentarily. Then Korbin got fussy of course but I got him calmed down. It was an interesting meal but we made it through!
Stealing daddy's stuff to keep happy

Mad I told him he couldn't go after the people behind us

He fell asleep on my lap holding his binky
Yesterday's theme for the day was black and white...I used a VHS that Jax likes to watch (even though I'm pretty sure we have the dvd somewhere too)...
Today was basically full of Jaxton whining, Bentley getting in trouble, and Korbin wanting to be held. It has been a long day and I even worked for a few hours of it. He finally fell asleep on me so I'm going to head upstairs here shortly. I did catch a picture of him earlier though I wanted to share...he was laughing at the mobile on his swing. I put him in there to get a couple of things done but ended up watching him laugh instead and then he got mad before I got anything accomplished lol

The theme from today was "somewhere you went" and I didn't take a picture of the stores but what I got at Hy-Vee. They had cupcakes on sale so I bought some. When I brought them in tonight Bentley grabbed the whole pack off the counter and brought them into the livingroom asking for one. You get more than one pic of the outcome:
After the first couple of bites...

...toward the last couple of bites...

...the end.
He is seriously the messiest eater no matter what he has but it really is entertaining most of the time. If you look carefully you can see a handprint where he thought it would be funny to smack his face with a frosting filled hand.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Bathtime Fun

Well, Korbin seems to be catching up on his sleep now...meaning he probably won't want to sleep tonight. I really hope we can get back on a normal schedule soon! He is in a better mood today though *knock on wood* and seems to really like his swing so maybe we found the trick. He keeps falling asleep when he is in it today.
Even though I woke up beyond tired, somehow as the day went on I found more and more energy...I managed to do a few loads of laundry, go through the boys' clothes that were too small, and get some errands done. Here are a few pics from bathtime and a video of Jaxton singing Row Your Boat:)
Out of focus but this was how he felt tonight

Oh crazy Bentley
Today's theme was "looking down" and since I finally bought new shoes I figured they'd work out:)

Off to attempt bedtime!

So Sleeeeepy

Sorry I haven't been posting the past couple of days. I always post at night after at least 2 of the 3 kids are asleep. Well Korbin has been so fussy the past few days I can't set him in anything, definitely can't leave the room at night, and can barely sit or he screams. So that's why I haven't been on. Last night this went on until 11:30 and I'm not used to this fussy baby and no sleep! I did a little research and caffeine can make them extra gassy (which he is) so I guess I should probably cut pop out of my days again. I was slightly addicted there for a while.

Other than tending to Korbin though I really haven't done much the past couple of days anyway. If I did I don't remember it lol I'll post the pictures from the April Challenge then I have to eat and shower and head to work. I'll try to get a normal post in tonight before he hits the really fussy stage.

Day 23 was "vegetable" so I used the rhubarb plant in the backyard...and yes I looked it up to make sure it was a veggie:)
Yesterday's theme was "something you're greatful for" and I am using pictures of all of the boys because it was not a day to try and get one of all three together but I did use all different moods from them to show that no matter what mood they are in I am thankful for all of my beautiful and healthy babies.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


I'm going to start out by saying that getting 3 kids and myself ready and looking nice before 9am is a challenge. Anyone who does this weekly I give major props to you. I wish I could say I went to church more often but it is a ton of work here. This morning I probably would have been late if my sister in law wasn't such a huge help! Oh, my husband did pretty good at helping out too:)

Here is a picture of Korbin before we left for church. It's the only pic I have of just him in his outfit so I may have to put him in it sometime this week to take a few more. He is also asleep in all of the pics so one of him awake would be nice!
He was actually really good during church. The baptism was right at the beginning. He was sleeping at first and woke up right before Pastor put the water on his head and I as just waiting for him to start wailing...but he didn't! There is a rumor that if the child is quiet during their baptism, they will be trouble as a teen. If they're talkative or loud, they'll be good teens. So far I am in trouble if this is true because 2 of the 3 have been quiet. Throughout the rest of the service he was calm for the most part. He got a little fussy but a bottle took care of that quick. The other two went to the nursery not long after the actual baptism was finished.

Here are some pictures we took after the service....
Hiding whenever the camera was pointed at him

Papa had him hanging upside down because he kept running away!

Our first family pic as a family of 5 and all of the males aren't looking.

Korbin with mommy and daddy

With his godparents (Josie-my sister in law and Keith-my brother)

With just Keith and Josie

My baby and I
We also had some cake with the family. Nothing major just a get together in the preschool since I forgot to reserve a room and they were all taken lol Oh well, it worked for us to eat quick!
Getting this darn thing is a blog post on its own...

Back asleep with Jo
The rest of the day has been kind of another lazy day. Korbin has been really fussy when he's been awake and it upsets me when I can't calm him down quickly:( I'm going to try putting on his baltic amber necklace again tomorrow and pray it helps him!

I do have on last picture to share though. Since Bentley got cranky after church so he went home with my hubby before having cake, I gave him some after naptime. I have a few others of it but this one cracked me up.
I think he was eating the fork while trying to get the frosting off lol

Today's theme for the photo challenge was "last thing you bought" and I don't have an extra picture of this because the last thing I bought was the shirts the boys are pictured in above:) I got them last night when I decided their other shirts didn't match the rest of us lol