Thursday, April 19, 2012

Lazy Day

This morning started out a little crazy. While getting Jax ready for preschool it started to thunder pretty loudly so I tried to hurry him out the door before the heavy rain followed. It just started sprinkling as we walked out to the car and by the time I was less than a mile away from home it was pouring so hard I couldn't see the road! We made it to preschool on time, but the way home was more interesting. A ton of the roads flood in town when it rains a lot and I had to turn around three times to avoid flooded roads and go clear out of my way to get back home!

I had a lot planned to accomplish today...but none of it got done. I guess you could say the rainy day set my mood. I did get in a lot of snuggles and some play time with all of the kids on their own which was nice.

I did manage to have a few hours to myself this evening:) My parents took the boys so I could go watch The Hunger Games. I loved the books and heard good things about the movie too. Toad was sleeping so I had no problem going alone. It actually was pretty good and it was nice seeing a movie that followed the book! The only bad part is I love the popcorn but it always makes me sick...and I can't not have some when I go! So now I feel crappy again.

There really is nothing else to talk about from's just been really laid back (well as much as it can be with three kids) and now I'm just snuggling with Korbin while Jaxton drives me crazy watching stupid movies before he falls asleep.

The theme for today was "orange." I used the first orange thing I spotted

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