Wednesday, April 18, 2012

If I Had a Million Dollars...

If I ever win the lottery, the first thing I will do is hire someone to do my laundry! This morning I woke up to Korbin spitting up all ovter me, my sheets, and my laundry started bright and early. Sadly it took me most of the day to finish it too since I usually do laundry once a week. I can handle washing and drying it but I hate folding and putting it away! Which is why the putting away part is waiting til tomorrow...along with going through all of the boys' clothes that are too small. That should take a good part of my day!

Jaxton had his first dentist appointment today...I was sitting around holding Korbin when the dentist office called saying Jax had his appointment at was already 10:15. Oops! They asked if I could still make it and so I hurried and threw Korbin in the carseat, dressed Jax and myself, and asked Grandma to watch Bentley. Needless to say, I was not too excited for this appointment.

As expected, Jaxton hated it. He does not like people he doesn't know touching him at all and especially not looking at his mouth, eyes, or ears. I had to hold him down while he cried so they could clean his teeth and count them. This made Korbin cry because Jax was throwing such a fit and I couldn't comfort either one:( Once the hygenist was done I got Korbin calmed down quickly (Jax was instantly fine again) and we waited for the dentist. Once he came in Jax was a little better but was not thrilled at all. He was happy to leave with 3 stickers and a new toothbrush though!
Before the torture

Nice shiny teeth!

All the goodies!
After naps we went out to play with bubbles for a bit. I got them (well the Easter Bunny did) quite a bit of bubbles for Easter and since it was nice out we took some of them out. They would stay out there all day if I'd let them! Korbin even went out for just a little bit to get some sun time!

And now for today's At first I thought "why couldn't this be Friday when I get mine done?" but then I thought that I have Bentley and he's always good for an interesting hairdo! It doesn't matter how often I comb it, wet it down, or wash it...his hair is just crazy!

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