Thursday, April 12, 2012

Our shopping trip!

All of the kids are asleep and I'm ready to join! It's been a long day to say the least and I'm thankful for a quiet night now. I'll probably continue my mission of trying to find something to wear next weekend for Korbin's baptism before I turn in for the night too. I tried on a few dresses today but I'm just not finding what I want because I'm still not looking like I want to be yet. I found a couple that I liked but one is shorter than I'd prefer when I know I'll be chasing kids and the other won't look as nice with Korbin's outfit. Ugh.

I won't get into a lot of details from our shopping trip except for I suck at finding stuff for myself! I wanted running shoes and ended up with clothes for all three kids, sunglasses for the older two, a book, and Korbin's baptism outfit. I also wanted a dress but that obviously hasn't worked out yet either. I took Bentley and Korbin to get them out of the house for a bit while Jaxton was in preschool and they were pretty good...even though Bentley got the most because he saw Elmo stuff lol
Happy with his Elmo shirt that he wouldn't let the lady put in a bag

He cared so much he went to sleep

Today's theme is "stairs" and I didn't have any entertaining ones to take a picture of until it had started raining after I got off work so you get a picture of the stairs on Jaxton's Batman house:)

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