I didn't even realize it's been a few days since my last post. I've been keeping somewhat busy and sadly I don't even remember with what exactly! Kids I'm sure:) So I'm just going to skip over to yesterday, pictures and all! We took the boys to see Sesame Street Live!
The early morning was a little bit interesting, as was expected. I set my alarm and since Korbin wasn't awake yet, I hurried and showered. Well, when I got out my alarm was going off again because apparently I forgot to turn off the alarm and had just hit snooze:s My husband was ready to kill me before 6:30am....oops. Luckily neither of the boys woke up to it.
After I finished getting dressed Korbin woke up and we went on with our normal routine. Then about 7:15 I went in to start waking up Jax (this process usually takes quite a while) and he unexpectedly hopped right up and came downstairs. Bentley followed shortly behind. Once getting them set for the morning, I took Korbin over to my mom's for the day. I wanted to cry leaving my baby for so long but I knew it was a better choice.
Shortly after 8 we took off for Des Moines. We thought we were doing good by not putting the boys in the clothes we wanted them to wear for the day right away since we were getting donuts on the way there...they did get chocolate on their shirts so it was a good thing. However, when we saw the chocolate on their faces we realized we didn't grab any wipes.......or diapers! This meant we had to make a quick stop in Webster City at KMart to grab the forgotten necessities.
Other than that little mishap it was a fairly smooth trip. Bentley was a little cranky, especially at the end, but he hates car rides and waking up to one probably wasn't exactly fun for him.
We got there a little early and got the boys some toys as soon as we went in. Jax instantly wanted the toy that spins and lights up. Bentley just said "Elmo" and pointed toward a big stuffed Elmo so we got that...then he cried because he wanted the Elmo toy Jax had so we had to get that for him too. Sadly, he still wants nothing to do with the $25 stuffed Elmo lol. Once we had those we went off to find our seats. I was taking a few pics of the boys and the lady in front of us offered to take a family picture for us:) I decided I kind of like these family type events when there are people like that around!
One thing that threw us off right away after sitting down was a guy walking down the aisle with two bottles of BEER! Seriously?! It was 10:30AM at a KID event! If you seriously need beer that bad then don't go to it. I found it extremely ridiculous and really think they shouldn't have been selling it.
Once it started the boys were really good. Jax got into it right away and Bentley just stared for the most part. I don't think he knew what to think lol. I noticed right away how bummed I was that I just took in my point and shoot instead of my good camera. We had decent seats and the pics would've been really good on my dslr but the zoom pics on my p&s aren't great. Oh well, too late now.
How Bentley stared half the time |
So then they did the worst thing for several parents...intermission. The show was only an hour and a half to begin with so I didn't really think this was necessary. Yes, I know, a lot of the kids may have been the potty training age, but we got up with Jax in the middle so why can't they? lol I think it was just to sell more junk. As soon as it started this guy walked out with a HUGE bundle of Elmo balloons. Of course every kid in the place wanted one. So down to the floor and in line Bentley and I go...only to spend $20 on two balloons! I wasn't extremely surprised by the price but come on people!
After intermission it was noticeably louder in there since the kids wanted to walk around more and play with their balloons (there were already plenty on the ceiling). The boys were good until about half an hour til the end, Bentley started getting restless, which didn't surprise me. I took him up to the landing and stood with him for a bit but it didn't work really long.
I finally had to take him out into the open area so he could get down and move around a little. I had to go to the bathroom so I took him with and that was a mistake. The little turd opened the door on me....twice! Luckily it was close enough I could grab it and pull it shut and nobody was in there! He also decided he needed to look under the stalls lol.
We went back to try and sit again but daddy and Jax were missing. I went back out to the main area and they were just returning from the bathroom. Well, Bentley didn't want to go back in but Jax did so we traded kids and Bentley and daddy went to the car while Jax and I watched the last 10 minutes of the show.
We wanted to run to a few stores after the show so we drove over to Jordan Creek Mall. Bentley had already fell asleep so we didn't all go in. Then we went over to Valley West since I wanted to run to a store in there and we were going to eat...the food court sucked so that was a fail. I did get a new purse finally though:)
The rest of the drive home was calm. I was more than happy to go pick up Korbin again when we got back. He wasn't happy with me at first but wouldn't let me put him down either. We hung out with the boys outside for a bit and watched a movie last night:)
Since this post has taken almost 3 hours for me to get finished between all of the kids I am finally going to hit publish and leave this darn computer for the day...hopefully I get to take a nap soon!