Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Never enough time

I swear the days go by so fast I never accomplish what I want to! Last night was another night of Korbin not wanting to go to bed without me and since I had to work this morning I just went to sleep I'll start with my few pictures from yesterday!

As soon as I pull out the playmat for Korbin now Bentley is ready to lay next to him. I was so worried about how he would be with Korbin but he absolutely loves him and is a great big brother. It is so sweet<3

Yesterday's theme of the day was "a smell you adore"
I use this after bathtime on Korbin and sometimes Bentley and just love it:)
This morning was kind of crazy. I set my alarm for 6 so I'd have enough time to pump, feed Korbin, and get dressed before going to work...well I accidentally fell back asleep! Thankfully Korbin has been getting up pretty early and started moving around again about 6:15 so I was able to get up and still be ready to go on time!

For some crazy reason I went on a cleaning spree while it was slow at work and it somewhat continued throughout the day. I cleaned completely random things that hadn't been done in a long time. When I got home I had to clean the rest of the carpets that I didn't do last night so that took a while.

After I finished the carpets I ran to the mall to chat with some friends I used to work with and see if Radio Shack had a charger for my camera that stays in my purse. I got it before having Korbin and hadn't seen the charger since, even after looking everywhere! I called Radio Shack yesterday and they had said they had a battery charger but not the one that plugs into my camera..makes no difference to me as long as it gets charged! Well, I walked in there and after 15 minutes of messing with trying to get my battery out and dropping my camera (wasn't too pleased with that one!) they guy proceeds to tell me I can go to and order the one he gave me a number for and it was $39.99! No thanks buddy! I wasn't too please with this response. Buuuut it was good in the end because I was making some oatmeal (since I didn't get to finish my supper) and happened to look at the bowl of random stuff on top of the microwave and saw my charger in there! So now I can finally use my camera again!

Anyways...after the long run at the mall I went back to my mom's since that's where I had left the older two boys (Korbin stayed with me the whole time so they could nap). We rounded up the crew and ran to the store to get stuff for me to make dinner. For anyone who doesn't know me, I don't cook. I can when I really want to...but have a habit of messing up somehow or other. I had found a couple of recipes I really wanted to try and since nobody at home would eat them I called up my mom and asked if I could make them there since they would probably like them. Of course she didn't turn down a good meal without having to cook it herself. Surprisingly it turned out to be really good! I only got one small piece before the boys drove me crazy and I brought them back home, but when I talked to mom earlier she said that was probably all I would get too because her and my dad had both had plenty and dad already planned on taking the rest to work tomorrow:) Pretty surprising for them to actually like what I cooked so much (as long as they didn't really throw it out and just say it was good lol)

Now I'm sitting here surrounded by more that I want to get done and can't decide what to do first so I'm blabbering on here. I am working on Bentley's birthday party invitations again. I need to send some more pictures to be printed. I really want to scrapbook a little since I'm way behind. I want to run but Korbin will wake up once I leave and I'm the only one downstairs with him. I should probably forget it all and go to bed but it won't happen!

I suppose I'll post today's picture of the day and move on to my next project. The theme was "something you do every day" and there are so many things I could have posted but just kept it somewhat simple. Taking pictures is obviously something I do daily:)

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