I truly don't understand why this has to be such a big ordeal. Why can't people mind their own business and let others raise their kids the way they want to? There are so many critics of different areas of attachment parenting who have no idea what they're even talking about and it's slowly driving me crazy.
Let me start out by saying that with my first child I had no idea what this even was. Although now I do actively do the three most commonly mentioned parts, I still don't know that I'd say I practice this strongly. However, given the chance I definitely would. The three things that are usually talked about are breastfeeding, co-sleeping, and baby-wearing.
I will admit that before I had children, the idea of breastfeeding was awkward to me. I wasn't comfortable when people would breastfeed in public around me, but I wouldn't say anything to them because I respected their decision to do this. I can definitely say this view has changed. This doesn't mean I always whip my boob out whenever we go somewhere (although it may feel like that to my husband), but I am not going to take bottles of my precious pumped milk when I am with my baby! There is no reason I can't feed him wherever I go and I now also think there is no reason for people to complain if I do. We don't cover up when we eat and bottle fed babies aren't covered...so why should breastfed babies? If you think about it you see less boob when a baby is eating than someone wearing a bikini around. The baby's head is covering most of it and usually a shirt is covering some of the rest. So what is there to complain about...a baby eating? I think a lot of this has to do with people being judgemental and uneducated...
On to co-sleeping. I'll start this part off by saying Korbin is sleeping in my bed next to me as I type this<3 Before having kids and even while pregnant with Jaxton, I swore I would never let my babies sleep in my bed. This last about 2 days, until I realized he slept better when he was with me. I was still extremely paranoid of rolling over on him so he slept on my chest, on the couch, for about a month. Both Jax and Bentley were put in their own rooms around 3 months old. Korbin I have been more laid back about. I also co-sleep because I have done my research now and know that it is actually good for them and doesn't just make them sleep better. Now it is also more convenient for breastfeeding purposes also, but I truly enjoy it. It is my time to snuggle with my baby and I always know he's safe with me. I do feel like it has taken away from some time with my husband, but he isn't much of a cuddler anyway so this gives me my cuddle time too. On the subject of people criticizing others for co-sleeping, I don't see why it should matter at all to someone else who does or doesn't sleep with their baby. There are benefits of both ways and it is a matter of opinion on what is best.
Now for baby-wearing...with my first I thought it looked funny. With my second I tried one carrier and hated it, so I assumed they all were just as much of a hassle and didn't try any more. Now, I wear my baby all the time! It is the best $10 I have spent in a long time! Not only am I able to walk around with my hands free and get stuff done, but he is happy and gets to snuggle while I do so! Do people look at me funny when I'm in public with my Moby on? Of course they do, but they don't know how great it really is! I'm not saying everyone has to wear their baby, but many people who do thoroughly enjoy it, and I am one of them:)
All of this being said, unless someone is doing something unsafe with their child, I will usually keep my mouth shut. A lot of things depend on personal opinion...but not everyone needs to hear it! One of my biggest pet peeves is people being uneducated and telling those who do know what they're doing that they are wrong. With attachment parenting as a whole, sure it may be better for some people, but others it's not going to work. The parents AND the children have to be in this together and for some parents it may be too much. This doesn't mean they are bad parents by any means. It also doesn't have to be practiced exactly by the book because every family is different. My advice for people...if you don't like someone else telling YOU how to do things, don't do it to others. They may prove you wrong and make you look like an idiot:)
End of rant.
Side note: since I am in bed no picture tonight...my camera is downstairs and I'm going to stay here and snuggle my baby<3
Our views on AP are almost exactly the same!
ReplyDeletePrior to my pregnancy, I was also unsure if I was going to breastfeed, and I was a little uncomfortable around those who DID breastfeed (though I never told them to cover it up or anything similar.)