Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Trip to the Carnival!

The carnival that is in town is seriously the smallest I've ever seen, but it was very kid friendly so it was fine for me:) I've been wanting to take Jax so I pawned off the other two boys and it was a little time away with mommy and daddy for him (I thought it might be too much for Bentley).

I really wasn't sure how much he would like it because he is hard to predict with rides and such but he loved everything we did! He went into the little fun house twice because he loves climbing and the different things he got to go through in it. He went on the elephants that went up in circles with me and I really thought once we got up high he would complain and want it to stop but he enjoyed it the whole time! We also went down the huge slide together, which I thought would freak him out, but wrong again! I'm so glad we got the chance to go, even though we weren't there long. It's ridiculous how much you spend for just a few rides!

To back track a little...this morning I made homemade finger paints! Thank you Pinterest:) We didn't get the chance to use them since they were still hot so I plan on trying them out tomorrow.
We also went outside and the boys got to play in their sandbox (and with other toys) for quite a while. They had a ton of fun with it, especially when I would build something and they both knocked it down. I love them giggling at little things like that<3
Then to add to my day I got to take maternity pictures for a friend of mine:) Her daughter didn't want to cooperate for some of the fun ones we wanted her in....but that's what almost 2 year olds do! We may try some of those again later but we got some good shots of just her! Once I get the time to go through them and share them with her I may post a few.

Today's photo theme was "what you are reading" and I don't have a picture because I haven't had time to read lately! I bought a new book a couple of weeks ago but haven't had the chance to even open it yet.

I am about to fall asleep as I type though so nothing else to post for now!

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