Saturday, September 10, 2011

Haircut and Hawkeyes!

Today was a busy day for us. Started out bright and early with getting Bentley's first haircut taken. He wasn't sure what was going on at first but when they wet his hair down he wasn't too pleased. Once we got going he was fine as long as he was cuddling with mommy.
Don't mind my half a face here. My mom was trying to figure out my camera. Before the haircut.

Not sure what he thinks of the whole ordeal. Good thing there were other people to watch.

He was not going to let go of mommy.

All done!

 After the haircut of course was game time! Even though we didn't win it was still a good game to watch...stressed me out with all of the overtimes but it was still good!
Pregame:) Bentley didn't care lol

Touchdown Iowa!!

Watchin the game together

Iowa scores again!

My little poser

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Jaxton's Birthday

For Jaxton's actual birthday we didn't do a whole lot. We made some cupcakes and he helped decorate them. We saved the party for the day after and went to the park with some family. This was our last year for a small party now that he's in school so it was pretty laid back but he had fun and that's what mattered!
He was decorating the cupcakes...and sneaking some sprinkles for himself in between lol

Look at that kids mouth! He kept trying to take a HUGE bite of the whole thing!

Blowing out his candles at the park. Mommy was mean and bought the relighting ones but of course they didn't work. I was so excited for that part too

Forget the presents. He just wanted to play with the cake toppers. All he's wanted for the past month is robots for his birthday.

Concentrating hard on opening presents.

Showing mommy his new remote control car!

Jax really is smiling here it just doesn't look like it. And Bentley was tired and didn't really care lol

We took the boys to feed the animals after cake and presents.

And lastly, of course Bentley got some presents too since Jax had at his birthday. So here's the boys playing with their new toys.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Jaxton Starts Preschool!

It's official...he's no longer my baby:( Jaxton had his first day of preschool today...well sort of. It was an open house so we were allowed to stay with him and go through a series of centers. Let's just say he wasn't the most well behaved kid there. I know my kid is a brat but he's usually good around others. Today not so much. Luckily we weren't in a hurry so we could keep him doing what he was happy with for a while before forcing him to do what he had to! Here are some pics

Before going in to school!
Coloring his rocket at a center

Another center was playing outside...of course he went straight for the basketball hoop

Dressing up like an astronaut

Helping his new friend do a puzzle

Playing with toy astronauts

Showing me his hands were dirty from painting

His constellation he made

Had to go back outside to play more

He was worn out from a lot of running around!