Friday, June 22, 2012

Bentley is 2!!

Where has the time gone?! I swear he is still my little baby (even though I have another little baby now lol). It doesn't seem the least bit possible that he is already 2 years old... Just for fun here's a flashback of the past 2 years:)
Fresh outta the oven!
Two weeks old
Around a month old
Look at those blue eyes<3
My baby turns one!
Oh the curls<3
And now there's this grown up little man here!
Did I mention a little crazy?
And maybe slightly obsessed with Elmo right now!
I didn't get a lot of pics today because the few I did take I realized my camera wasn't working right because the sweet little guy pictured above got ahold of it and got messy fingerprints allll over the lens:( I am really bummed but at least we still have his party tomorrow! I did try getting him to do a smash cake for fun since he's usually really messy with everything he eats...but he decided not to be this time and wanted a fork lol
He was obsessed with the darn balloon
The cake had to face him or he wouldn't touch it!

Elmo before

Fork in hand...but eating with the other

Elmo slightly destroyed
More pics of his party tomorrow! Sorry I haven't posted in like a month. I have just been busy lately and although I think about blogging, I just don't get the chance! Hopefully I can a little more before school starts up and I really don't have time again.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Had something to say...

...but with the way my mind has been working today, most of it has already left my brain! I don't know what my deal is but I have no brain cells at all working today! Soo I guess this will be a fairly short post.

Yesterday we took the boys to the park to feed the animals since we had tons of bread to get rid of. They had fun but weren't exactly happy when we said no playing at the park since it was seriously packed. They got over it fairly easily though by my mom saying she'd pick them up this morning and take them to play for a bit:) Here are a few pics of them feeding the animals

I still can't get over how much of a difference the haircut made for Bentley! He looks so much older now:( My baby is going to be 2 in just a few short weeks! My mom and I are actually going to Des Moines this week to get some decorations for his party...Elmo!

For yesterday's photo challenge, the theme was "what's on your plate" We had kind of a "whatever you want" supper last night so it's kind of random lol
Grilled Cheese and Goldfish
Egg sandwiches and oranges:)
Today's theme was "close up" and I knew Jax would be good at this one. I actually have a few pictures he took just because he loved doing it so much. One didn't transfer for some reason so no Korbin, but I took pics of him anyway:)
The first thing he saw after getting the camera was Bentley's shoes 

2 of his 9218374263 Batmans

And as expected...the usual self portrait!
And for mine I had one I wanted to use but am posting two. The feet ended up way out of focus for some reason but I still like the little rolls and the overall picture anyway.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

A Little of Everything

This morning we set out early for the Frontier Days Parade. We left about half an hour before it was supposed to start so we could get seats. Of course, all of the old people were already there and camped out right up next to the curb so the kids couldn't have the spaces. We did find some though and sat to seemed to take forever for the thing to start and we were a block down from the beginning. The boys had fun though and got a ton of candy!
He slept like this the entire 2 hours we were there

Happy to be munching and waving his flag while waiting for it to start


He hates loud noises and the police sirens at the start didn't exactly please him

He was awake but cuddling

Finally out getting candy!

Not missing any!

Jax used my camera for a bit and here is a nice self portrait lol

Happy with his candy!

Our bag of goodies was way more than we needed!
It was funny because there were families on both sides of us so all of us parents were trying to get the kids to only get the candy that was straight in front of them. The parents on both sides of us had kids slightly older and more anxious to get the candy so they kept having to hand it to Jaxton even though we said it was fine. At one point Jax wanted to sit in the stroller for a bit and the kids were still getting candy and bringing it over to him. It was cute to know there are kids that can share like that.

The parade lasted hour and a half after it started we left. The kids were getting bored with it, Korbin was about to wake up and be ready to eat, and we were done. Some other people were starting to pack up also, so we wanted to beat the rush of traffic in getting out of the area also. I don't think we missed much more anyway.

When we came home it was lunchtime and naps! I laid down with Korbin and Jax, not expecting to be up there long, but that didn't work. I had to go in the first place because Jax wouldn't behave and lay down. I didn't think Korbin would sleep after such a long nap at the parade, but I was wrong. We ended up staying up there quite a while until I took him and we to my mom's for a few.

After the older boys woke up, I got my way and took Mr Bentley for a much needed haircut! I have been fighting for this for over a month now and finally got my way so I ran out the door. He did so good with it. At first he whined a little and then he just snuggled up to me the rest of the time and closed his eyes. He looks so different now!

Since my baby hit the 4 month mark today I had to take my monthly picture. This was much more a challenge because every time I set him down he rolled over! Little stinker...he is growing up too fast!
I plan on doing some more pictures tomorrow since he wasn't really in the mood today. The older boys wanted their pictures taken too while I was taking these so I made an attempt at a picture of all three. Surprisingly a couple weren't horrible and it makes me want to try again with a little more effort! These were just snapped quick to please them. Jax wanted to hold Korbin first so naturally Bentley had to hold him too.

They can be so sweet sometimes<3 I love the random faces in the last one lol

The rest of the night we didn't do a whole lot. I bought a Wii Fit today from my cousin and so I had to use it. Jax thought it was fun to do the exercises along with me and wanted to play even when I had to stop because Korbin woke up and was hungry. Hopefully it helps me along with some of the weight loss and toning since running hasn't been easy to get done lately.

After putting the older two to bed, I went over to mom's to enjoy a few minutes by the fire and treat myself to a couple smores. I didn't stay too long because it was kind of chilly for Korbin to be out and I didn't want him in the smoke for long. Now here I am...with Jaxton still awake next to me.

Before heading to bed for the night I better share our pictures for the photo challenge. The theme was "empty." Jaxton was taking pictures at the parade while the tractors were going by since they weren't passing out candy so here is his people that are "empty" handed
And here is mine...the empty seats by the fire
Now off to cuddle with my babies<3

Friday, June 1, 2012

Jaxton's Photo A Day Starts!

Like promised, I started doing the June Photo a Day Challenge...and so did Jax! I think it'll be fun but I'll definitely have to help him out with what some of them mean. Today's theme was "morning" and I let him choose what he wanted to take a picture of and I'm going to post his two top ones. He is using my point and shoot for his pictures, which he loves running around with!
His favorite breakfast
And what would a morning be without Spongebob on tv?!
For mine I used my favorite part of every chats with Korbin. Every morning when we go downstairs, since we are usually the first ones up, we sit and chat before anything else. He just smiles and coos and it is the sweetest thing ever<3
He is such a happy baby in the morning!
I haven't posted much lately because I haven't really had much to talk about. I've worked a few days and just been kind of lazy really. The weather cant decide what it wants to do but we have been outside when it's nice enough.

Tomorrow is the city's Frontier Days Parade so we are planning on going to that for the kids to enjoy. Otherwise I have no idea what the weekend will have in store!

For some reason I am actually fairly tired tonight though so I'm going to keep this short and sweet. Maybe I'll be more talkative tomorrow:)