Sunday, September 30, 2012

Pictures and Pinterest!

A quick blog to share some pictures since I've been wanting to share them for a few days but just haven't had the chance! Korbin has decided to be super clingy at night and doesn't want to go to bed without me staying with him (we still cosleep) so I haven't been able to get homework or anything done at night and that's the only time I usually do homework and blogging! So I have a little homework to catch up on now.

Anyway I wanted a nice picture of all three boys while it's still nice out so off we went and they actually did fairly decent. Bentley didn't want to sit too close though and had to pick where they sat lol. I'll take what I can get though! Here are my loves<3

I have such sweet little boys:)

Also I want to share my recent Pinterest projects I did! I rarely do much of what I pin so it was fun to actually use a couple of things. The first one I did was make a cleaning solution that was Dawn dishsoap, white vinegar, and club soda. It actually worked pretty well and I even cleaned the rest of the van (except the outside) while I was at it! Here is a before and after picture
Before with tons of stains

After looking much better!
 We also made "reward" jars for the boys. Every time they do something good and listen like they should I let them put a rock in their jar. When it is full they will get to pick out a prize. I want to start using more positive reinforcement to try and help them stay a little happier more often:)
And now back to homework! I might get back on the list I had started here shortly too just for anyone who reads regularly:)

Monday, September 24, 2012

An Update and a Few Pictures!

I came to share some of Jaxton's pictures I took finally, but I just realized I never shared any of Korbin last time either! Now I feel like I should take Bentley out and get a few so he's not left out...but that'll have to wait or I'll never post!

I've been keeping pretty busy lately. I finally have a more regular schedule at work and of course school. I'm happy to say I'm still keeping A's in my classes so far and am keeping up with the online class (it has no due dates so I gave myself my own). We still haven't found out if I actually have made it into the nursing program in the Spring or not but still keeping my fingers crossed!

Jaxton has been doing really good at school finally. Last year he kind of had attitude a lot, but we think a lot of it was because my mom was the teacher. She isn't the main teacher for the 4 year old class and it seems to have made a difference for him. It's been so nice hearing he can behave somewhere since he doesn't always like to listen that well at home! Typical little boy though I suppose.

Bentley is just crazy Bentley. He has grown up so much over the past few months and is talking like crazy now. He didn't talk a lot before but he sure has been making up for lost time! He is too smart for his own good! That and too darn cute;) He knows when he is in trouble and gives this innocent (yet guilty) little grin that is soo hard not to smile at! He got a haircut last week too so I'll have to get pics of him up soon.

Korbin is growing like a weed. He finally got his first tooth last week! Poor guy has been teething for what seems like months now so it was nice to see something come of all of the cranky moments! He tries his best to crawl but still does this half scoot/half crawl thing. He gets where he wants to! He is also starting to eat more baby foods along with some of our foods when he is able and loves it.

Now that the updates are over here are the pictures:)
He looves mirrors so I had to do these:)

He kept running away from me in the corn field!

This was too funny not to share. This was the smile he kept wanting to give me

Love this one

One of my favorites except for the darn shadow!

Something was funny?

My big 4 year old!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Jaxton is FOUR!

Where in the world has the time gone?!  I know I have two other kids, but he will always be my baby. It's crazy how much he has grown over the last year! He has always been a little too smart for his own good but now so more than ever! He is quite the mouthy little guy, but I know he gets it from his dad;) I haven't had the chance to take his 4-year pictures yet but I'll share a few from his birthday party...and some from before of course!

1 day old<3

He was such a sweet little baby!
One of my favorite pics of him

My big boy turned one!!
A crazy two year old!

At three he even looks grown up!
And from his birthday party last weekend
Cupcake cake:)

Beating on Uncle Fruity...I mean Keith

Sam and her new man!

They were pretty excited to get pop lol


Trying to fit all the kids in one space

Blowing out his candles...again! (I got trick candles)

It's good!

He was pouting because Keith and Cory didn't wrap their presents which were Lego sets and I wouldn't let him open them up and put them together while we were there.

Reading cards 

I think this may be the only smile I got all day

Love this

Kayden, Jax, and Ronald
I still haven't even taken his 4 year pics but I plan to in the next day or so...I'll share whenever I get the chance!

Meet Up!

Yesterday was my day to get away and have fun. Since getting pregnant last time I have been talking to an amazing group of girls and we still chat daily. One of the girls-Kiersten- flew up to Illinois for an extended weekend and stayed with Falastine, so we decided to meet up halfway so I could hang out with them too! It was a break for us to just take the babies since we all have other kids too. In fact when we were planning we said to eachother "what do we do without kids?" It was funny since we knew we'd still have three of them but the babies are nothing compared to the older ones:)

 Anyway, Korbin and I took off early in the morning for Cedar Rapids. I was expecting this to be a lonnng trip but he slept the entire way there! Amazing for him!! He was a pretty happy baby all day while walking and sitting around.
My sweetie and I before heading inside

Checking everyone out

Watching Mila and Anabelle!

They were talking

I think Korbin was watching Ana

All three babies! 

Ana wanted to chew on Korbin's feet and he didn't care at all lol

Kiersten and I with the babies

Ana thought mommy's face tasted good!

And just because they made me happy:D lol

I thought the trip went pretty well! Since we've all been talking for so long it wasn't too awkward or anything (at least I didn't think so). It was fun to finally meet a couple of the girls I've been talking to for the past year and half! While sitting around we were even harrassed by some lady promoting the Bible (go figure) and it was funny because Kiersten really wanted to tell her she left out a lot of info in what she told us! She was fairly nice though so we let her go peacefully:)

Now off to go spend some time with my older two since I did actually miss them yesterday. Since I'm finally done with Rachel's wedding pics I'll try and get some pictures of Jaxton's birthday together today to share too...two weeks late lol