Thursday, September 1, 2011

Jaxton Starts Preschool!

It's official...he's no longer my baby:( Jaxton had his first day of preschool today...well sort of. It was an open house so we were allowed to stay with him and go through a series of centers. Let's just say he wasn't the most well behaved kid there. I know my kid is a brat but he's usually good around others. Today not so much. Luckily we weren't in a hurry so we could keep him doing what he was happy with for a while before forcing him to do what he had to! Here are some pics

Before going in to school!
Coloring his rocket at a center

Another center was playing outside...of course he went straight for the basketball hoop

Dressing up like an astronaut

Helping his new friend do a puzzle

Playing with toy astronauts

Showing me his hands were dirty from painting

His constellation he made

Had to go back outside to play more

He was worn out from a lot of running around!

1 comment:

  1. adorable! lol love it. He's such a cute kid!
