101 in 1001

Day Zero Project

101 Things in 1001 Days

I saw this idea off of someone else's blog and thought it sounded like fun. I always make goals but lose where I write them down or just give up on them but I figured if I post them on here I will be more motivated to reach them.

Start Date: January 4, 2011
End Date: October 1, 2013

In Progress

1. Start and finish a Project 365
2. Watch a sunrise
3. Take a self portrait I like
4.Try at least 5 new foods (2/5)
5. Catch up Jaxton's baby book
6. Go a week with no fast food
7. Get a good family picture taken
8. Finish my wedding scrapbook
9. Read 101 books (42/101)
10. Make a quilt
11. Use my own design to redo blog
12. Reconnect with an old friend
13. Take a good night picture
14. Straighten hair for an entire week
15. Catch up Bentley's baby book
16. Write a letter to Jaxton
17. Write a letter to Bentley
18. Buy new glasses
19. Buy Jaxton rainboots and play in the rain
20. Crochet a baby blanket
21. Watch a sunset
22. Organize loose pictures
23. Go a week without pop
24. Go a full day without using my phone
25. Let my husband know how much I love him
26. Learn a new game
27. Plan a vacation
28. Find a baby boy name I like
29. Record a video of the boys
30. Do at least one craft a month with Jaxton for a year (10/12)
31. Redecorate Jaxton's room
32. Meet a new friend.
33. Backup all pictures online
34. Buy a lottery ticket
35. Send at least 10 birthday cards in a year (4/10)
36. Finish monthly pictures of Bentley's first year
37. Buy a cookbook and use it
38. Eat fruit at least once a day for a week
39. Donate old clothes
40. Buy something off my Etsy wishlist
41. Save the change from my purse for 6 months and cash it in 
42. Not wear sweatpants during the day for a week
43. Dress nice for no reason
44. Post 25 things that make me happy
45. Do a random good deed for someone I don't know
46. Download and use Skype
47. Get a tattoo in memory of my great-grandmother
48. Buy an external flash for my camera
49. Frame a picture I take that isn't of my boys
50. Fly a kite with the boys
51. Make a full dinner for the family
52. Go shopping and only buy for myself
53. Post a "what's in my bag" blog
54. Buy a small pet for the boys
55. Go to a casino
56. Sort through my sock drawer
57. Take Jaxton to build-a-bear
58. Grow hair long enough to donate to locks of love
59. Donate money to a good cause
60. Take a photography course
61. Add to foot tattoo
62. Visit an aquarium
63. Get in the habit of using one calendar for everything
64. Buy Jaxton and I vitamins
65. Send someone a gift 'just because'
66. Finish updating my address book
67. Volunteer for something
68. Take a nice picture of fireworks
69. Complete a 5k race
70. Don't swear for a week
71. Go to 5 new restaurants (5/5)
72. Write 10 things I dislike about myself and how to change them
73. Watch 101 new movies (60/101)
74. Relearn to play a song on the piano
75. Buy a piece of art for the house
76. Get rid of the old crafts I won't finish
77. Read all 7 Harry Potter books (7/7)
78. Go to a parade
79. Count to 10 in a new language
80. No buying anything extra for a week
81. Organize external hard drive
82. Walk/run a total of 101 miles (27/101)
83. No meat for a week
84. Take a bubble bath
85. Send a postcard to Postsecret
86. Don't complain about anything for a day
87. Get a professional massage
88. Visit a coffee shop
89. Send a homemade Christmas card
90. Write a poem
91. Make where we are living feel like 'home'
92. Decorate all the main rooms of the house for a holiday
93. Don't go to WalMart for a month
94. Start a new family tradition
95. Have at least one more kid
96. Complete 101 scrapbook pages for the kids' scrapbooks (101/101)
97. Don't use Facebook for a week
98. Buy new Christmas tree decorations
99. Spend a day doing nothing but hanging out with the boys
100. Encourage someone else to do the Day Zero Project
101. Blog about each goal as I complete it (43/101)