Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day

Yesterday was a fun filled day. In the morning we attempted an art project I came up with that was somewhat a fail but still looks ok I suppose. I planned to take the letters off after painting it...but the paint ran underneath a few of them and some stuck down so they are staying on. I want to buy a frame and cut down the paper to hang it up:)

Finished product:)

And they had to run and play in the sand before we went inside...this led to sand being dumped on both kids' heads
After naptime we went over to my mom's. They had gotten to run through the sprinkler the day before so they wanted to go back. Kayden went over too so they all had fun for a while.

We took the jumperoo outside for Korbin

Yesterday's photo of the day was "the weather today"
Sunny with plenty of wind!
Today's theme is "number"
The zeros show how much I have to my name...the money for the pic was borrowed from my hubby lol

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Attachment Parenting...My Views

I truly don't understand why this has to be such a big ordeal. Why can't people mind their own business and let others raise their kids the way they want to? There are so many critics of different areas of attachment parenting who have no idea what they're even talking about and it's slowly driving me crazy.

Let me start out by saying that with my first child I had no idea what this even was. Although now I do actively do the three most commonly mentioned parts, I still don't know that I'd say I practice this strongly. However, given the chance I definitely would. The three things that are usually talked about are breastfeeding, co-sleeping, and baby-wearing.

I will admit that before I had children, the idea of breastfeeding was awkward to me. I wasn't comfortable when people would breastfeed in public around me, but I wouldn't say anything to them because I respected their decision to do this. I can definitely say this view has changed. This doesn't mean I always whip my boob out whenever we go somewhere (although it may feel like that to my husband), but I am not going to take bottles of my precious pumped milk when I am with my baby! There is no reason I can't feed him wherever I go and I now also think there is no reason for people to complain if I do. We don't cover up when we eat and bottle fed babies aren't covered...so why should breastfed babies? If you think about it you see less boob when a baby is eating than someone wearing a bikini around. The baby's head is covering most of it and usually a shirt is covering some of the rest. So what is there to complain about...a baby eating? I think a lot of this has to do with people being judgemental and uneducated...

On to co-sleeping. I'll start this part off by saying Korbin is sleeping in my bed next to me as I type this<3 Before having kids and even while pregnant with Jaxton, I swore I would never let my babies sleep in my bed. This last about 2 days, until I realized he slept better when he was with me. I was still extremely paranoid of rolling over on him so he slept on my chest, on the couch, for about a month. Both Jax and Bentley were put in their own rooms around 3 months old. Korbin I have been more laid back about. I also co-sleep because I have done my research now and know that it is actually good for them and doesn't just make them sleep better. Now it is also more convenient for breastfeeding purposes also, but I truly enjoy it. It is my time to snuggle with my baby and I always know he's safe with me. I do feel like it has taken away from some time with my husband, but he isn't much of a cuddler anyway so this gives me my cuddle time too. On the subject of people criticizing others for co-sleeping, I don't see why it should matter at all to someone else who does or doesn't sleep with their baby. There are benefits of both ways and it is a matter of opinion on what is best.

Now for baby-wearing...with my first I thought it looked funny. With my second I tried one carrier and hated it, so I assumed they all were just as much of a hassle and didn't try any more. Now, I wear my baby all the time! It is the best $10 I have spent in a long time! Not only am I able to walk around with my hands free and get stuff done, but he is happy and gets to snuggle while I do so! Do people look at me funny when I'm in public with my Moby on? Of course they do, but they don't know how great it really is! I'm not saying everyone has to wear their baby, but many people who do thoroughly enjoy it, and I am one of them:)

All of this being said, unless someone is doing something unsafe with their child, I will usually keep my mouth shut. A lot of things depend on personal opinion...but not everyone needs to hear it! One of my biggest pet peeves is people being uneducated and telling those who do know what they're doing that they are wrong. With attachment parenting as a whole, sure it may be better for some people, but others it's not going to work. The parents AND the children have to be in this together and for some parents it may be too much. This doesn't mean they are bad parents by any means. It also doesn't have to be practiced exactly by the book because every family is different. My advice for people...if you don't like someone else telling YOU how to do things, don't do it to others. They may prove you wrong and make you look like an idiot:)

End of rant.

Side note: since I am in bed no picture tonight...my camera is downstairs and I'm going to stay here and snuggle my baby<3

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Summertime Rant

Does nobody watch their kids anymore?! I drove over to my mom's house earlier and on the way there kids were walking/riding bikes down the street when there was a sidewalk right to the side of them! There were two more kids up a block ahead that seemed to be with the group. The catch? None of these kids could have been over 10 years old!

Then on the way home there was a group of four kids just standing outside the BAR! Seriously people?! I don't see how people just let their young kids wander and not have any idea what they are doing. And if they do know that their kids are hanging out outside of a bar then they need help.

Maybe I am overprotective or just paranoid, but I would never let my kids do either. For one, I want to know where they are and that they are supervised at ALL times. Two, why they heck do kids need to be hanging out at a bar? Three, do people not realize that these kids could get hit by a car and nobody would know who to contact for them or a drunk could walk out of the bar and hurt one of them and the same would apply. I wish people would just watch their kids! It can't be that much to ask...

Ok, done with the complaint. Now on to my normal post:)

We stayed pretty busy today. This morning the kids and I got up and went over to my mom's for a good part of the day. Since my husband has been having a lot of headaches and dizziness still from his accident I thought it'd be nice to give him some quiet time. Plus, my mom made us breakfast!
Jax came out of the kitchen and said "Look at me! I'm Sponge-gar!" For anyone who doesn't have kids obsessed with Spongebob that is the Prehistoric Spongebob's name lol
Most of the morning was pretty lazy. The boys played with whatever they could find and beat up Keith until he left. When naptime rolled around it didn't last long enough for anyone. I didn't even try to take one for once, but it wouldn't have been worth it anyway. Korbin barely napped at all because he wanted to be attached to me the whole time and I got up.

Once Jax and Bentley woke up they wanted to go outside and play with bubbles. Oh my goodness it was humid out! Of course they didn't care if they sweat the whole time though...they loved it all the same!

When we came home they were in the kind of mood where they needed entertainment because they were both tired. I took them out and we painted sun-catchers for a bit and then they used up the last of the paint on some paper.

While we were on the porch sitting around after the painting was all cleaned up, Jaxton saw his flower from preschool and started talking about it so I had the great idea of planting it. Well, we didn't have a hand shovel so I had to drive back over and steal some from mom's but that worked out good because she had a spare plant so Bentley could have one too:)
With their plants before putting them in the ground

Digging holes for their plants

Jaxton's flower
Now two of the three are finally off to bed. I have a lot I'd like to get done still but Korbin keeps stirring and thinks I should stay with him at all times, so I'll probably just head back to bed here shortly...

As for the photo of the day...I realized this afternoon that my photo yesterday was actually from the day before's theme...I was off a day. So I had an idea for what to take a picture of but turned out it was for yesterday's theme:( Today's was 12 o'clock and that had already passed a few hours beforehand and I couldn't find anything creative to use for it so no picture tonight. Tomorrow I'll use the right date and start again I guess!

Preschool Program

Yesterday was Jaxton's preschool program! He is now officially done with his first year of school! I have no idea where time has gone but at least I still have another year before I have two kids in school. 

The morning started out fairly decent, even though we had Kayden too. The boys all got along up until around 9:30ish. This made for a ton of fun when I had to get Jax ready and finish getting myself and the other two kids ready to go. Since Kayden got crabby the other two did also. Lucky me.

I had arranged for my grandma, who also helps out with the preschool, to watch Bentley and Kayden in the nursery during the program so I could get some pictures...that didn't work like planned. Once the first song started they were already out of there. Ugh. Oh well. Jax did really good during the program though and had fun. He even got a diploma for finishing his first year of school:)

(Don't mind the white eyes in the pics. I haven't had the chance to go through them all yet and fix them and the church is weird colored so they do that all the time)

Getting ready to walk in

With his teachers after the program
And just for fun I had to add this picture of Korbin from yesterday. He loves sitting in his jumperoo now and was just hanging out talking to the little animals on it yesterday:) We are at my mom's now and he's in hers just having a whole conversation with the bear on it. He is just getting so big already but it's so sweet to hear him talk and have him smile at everything.

And like I promised...back on the bandwagon for picture of the day. Today's theme was "technology" and I had something cute planned but didn't get the chance to do it so all you get is a picture of my normal nights...quiet time with the baby monitor and the laptop to blog and check Facebook:)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Last Normal Day

Today was Jaxton's last "normal" day of preschool for the year. It makes me feel so old that my baby is already done with a year of school! It's been fun to watch him learn so much and grow throughout the year. He loves going, even if he doesn't always behave the best when he is there...part of that has to do with my mom being the teacher I'm sure but oh well.

This morning Bentley woke up at 5am crying for some reason so I got up and snuggled him for a bit. Korbin started stirring so Bentley went back to bed with me so I could feed Korbin. Well that didn't last long because he wouldn't lay still so nobody else could sleep. Luckily, he went back to sleep in his own bed easily. It did throw the rest of us off though. Korbin is always up by 7:30 at the very latest. Usually I'm lucky to sleep til 7. Today was the one day I didn't set my alarm (since I've been up before it every day) and he slept until 8! I woke up in a panic because I had to be out the door in 15 minutes to get Jax to school on time!

I managed to get him ready in time and even snap a picture of my big boy before we had to leave:)
When I went to pick him up I asked him what his favorite thing to do at preschool was. He walked around for a bit and told me the toys. I asked which ones and he said "the ones boy Devon brought today." lol Devon had show and tell along with Jax today and he had a Spiderman toy we don't have. He did show me his favorite place to sit on the carpet though.

Had to have this one to go with the first day of school pic!
Tomorrow is his program so that'll be fun. There's a lunch after too so we will see if he actually wants to stay for that or not. I am crazy and agreed to watch my nephew throughout all of this so I may lose my mind before noon!

I definitely went overboard on gifts for the teachers/helpers this year. There are two teachers and two "grandmas" so I had to do something for all of them. Thanks to Pinterest I made all four of them these:

The teachers also are getting a big candle and I cut out a flower to put on top that says "Thank you for being a scent-sational teacher." They get the extra because I originally bought those for the helpers and the cases for the teachers, but decided the candles were probably nicer than just candy so I'd do the candy for everyone and give the teachers the candles lol. I'm crazy I know!

For those who actually read this on a normal basis, I do plan to start posting more again. I needed a short break from posting every day but realized I miss doing it! I also think for the month of June I may have Jaxton join me on the photo a day challenge since he LOVES taking pictures! He is pretty good with my point and shoot so it'd be interesting to see what he comes up with for each theme:) I'll start back with those tomorrow!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sesame Street Live!

I didn't even realize it's been a few days since my last post. I've been keeping somewhat busy and sadly I don't even remember with what exactly! Kids I'm sure:) So I'm just going to skip over to yesterday, pictures and all! We took the boys to see Sesame Street Live!

The early morning was a little bit interesting, as was expected. I set my alarm and since Korbin wasn't awake yet, I hurried and showered. Well, when I got out my alarm was going off again because apparently I forgot to turn off the alarm and had just hit snooze:s My husband was ready to kill me before 6:30am....oops. Luckily neither of the boys woke up to it.

After I finished getting dressed Korbin woke up and we went on with our normal routine. Then about 7:15 I went in to start waking up Jax (this process usually takes quite a while) and he unexpectedly hopped right up and came downstairs. Bentley followed shortly behind. Once getting them set for the morning, I took Korbin over to my mom's for the day. I wanted to cry leaving my baby for so long but I knew it was a better choice.

Shortly after 8 we took off for Des Moines. We thought we were doing good by not putting the boys in the clothes we wanted them to wear for the day right away since we were getting donuts on the way there...they did get chocolate on their shirts so it was a good thing. However, when we saw the chocolate on their faces we realized we didn't grab any wipes.......or diapers! This meant we had to make a quick stop in Webster City at KMart to grab the forgotten necessities.

Other than that little mishap it was a fairly smooth trip. Bentley was a little cranky, especially at the end, but he hates car rides and waking up to one probably wasn't exactly fun for him.

 We got there a little early and got the boys some toys as soon as we went in. Jax instantly wanted the toy that spins and lights up. Bentley just said "Elmo" and pointed toward a big stuffed Elmo so we got that...then he cried because he wanted the Elmo toy Jax had so we had to get that for him too. Sadly, he still wants nothing to do with the $25 stuffed Elmo lol. Once we had those we went off to find our seats. I was taking a few pics of the boys and the lady in front of us offered to take a family picture for us:) I decided I kind of like these family type events when there are people like that around!

One thing that threw us off right away after sitting down was a guy walking down the aisle with two bottles of BEER! Seriously?! It was 10:30AM at a KID event! If you seriously need beer that bad then don't go to it. I found it extremely ridiculous and really think they shouldn't have been selling it.

Once it started the boys were really good. Jax got into it right away and Bentley just stared for the most part. I don't think he knew what to think lol. I noticed right away how bummed I was that I just took in my point and shoot instead of my good camera. We had decent seats and the pics would've been really good on my dslr but the zoom pics on my p&s aren't great. Oh well, too late now.

How Bentley stared half the time

 So then they did the worst thing for several parents...intermission. The show was only an hour and a half to begin with so I didn't really think this was necessary. Yes, I know, a lot of the kids may have been the potty training age, but we got up with Jax in the middle so why can't they? lol I think it was just to sell more junk. As soon as it started this guy walked out with a HUGE bundle of Elmo balloons. Of course every kid in the place wanted one. So down to the floor and in line Bentley and I go...only to spend $20 on two balloons! I wasn't extremely surprised by the price but come on people!

After intermission it was noticeably louder in there since the kids wanted to walk around more and play with their balloons (there were already plenty on the ceiling). The boys were good until about half an hour til the end, Bentley started getting restless, which didn't surprise me. I took him up to the landing and stood with him for a bit but it didn't work really long.

I finally had to take him out into the open area so he could get down and move around a little. I had to go to the bathroom so I took him with and that was a mistake. The little turd opened the door on me....twice! Luckily it was close enough I could grab it and pull it shut and nobody was in there! He also decided he needed to look under the stalls lol.

We went back to try and sit again but daddy and Jax were missing. I went back out to the main area and they were just returning from the bathroom. Well, Bentley didn't want to go back in but Jax did so we traded kids and Bentley and daddy went to the car while Jax and I watched the last 10 minutes of the show.

We wanted to run to a few stores after the show so we drove over to Jordan Creek Mall. Bentley had already fell asleep so we didn't all go in. Then we went over to Valley West since I wanted to run to a store in there and we were going to eat...the food court sucked so that was a fail. I did get a new purse finally though:)

The rest of the drive home was calm. I was more than happy to go pick up Korbin again when we got back. He wasn't happy with me at first but wouldn't let me put him down either. We hung out with the boys outside for a bit and watched a movie last night:)

Since this post has taken almost 3 hours for me to get finished between all of the kids I am finally going to hit publish and leave this darn computer for the day...hopefully I get to take a nap soon!