Saturday, May 26, 2012

Summertime Rant

Does nobody watch their kids anymore?! I drove over to my mom's house earlier and on the way there kids were walking/riding bikes down the street when there was a sidewalk right to the side of them! There were two more kids up a block ahead that seemed to be with the group. The catch? None of these kids could have been over 10 years old!

Then on the way home there was a group of four kids just standing outside the BAR! Seriously people?! I don't see how people just let their young kids wander and not have any idea what they are doing. And if they do know that their kids are hanging out outside of a bar then they need help.

Maybe I am overprotective or just paranoid, but I would never let my kids do either. For one, I want to know where they are and that they are supervised at ALL times. Two, why they heck do kids need to be hanging out at a bar? Three, do people not realize that these kids could get hit by a car and nobody would know who to contact for them or a drunk could walk out of the bar and hurt one of them and the same would apply. I wish people would just watch their kids! It can't be that much to ask...

Ok, done with the complaint. Now on to my normal post:)

We stayed pretty busy today. This morning the kids and I got up and went over to my mom's for a good part of the day. Since my husband has been having a lot of headaches and dizziness still from his accident I thought it'd be nice to give him some quiet time. Plus, my mom made us breakfast!
Jax came out of the kitchen and said "Look at me! I'm Sponge-gar!" For anyone who doesn't have kids obsessed with Spongebob that is the Prehistoric Spongebob's name lol
Most of the morning was pretty lazy. The boys played with whatever they could find and beat up Keith until he left. When naptime rolled around it didn't last long enough for anyone. I didn't even try to take one for once, but it wouldn't have been worth it anyway. Korbin barely napped at all because he wanted to be attached to me the whole time and I got up.

Once Jax and Bentley woke up they wanted to go outside and play with bubbles. Oh my goodness it was humid out! Of course they didn't care if they sweat the whole time though...they loved it all the same!

When we came home they were in the kind of mood where they needed entertainment because they were both tired. I took them out and we painted sun-catchers for a bit and then they used up the last of the paint on some paper.

While we were on the porch sitting around after the painting was all cleaned up, Jaxton saw his flower from preschool and started talking about it so I had the great idea of planting it. Well, we didn't have a hand shovel so I had to drive back over and steal some from mom's but that worked out good because she had a spare plant so Bentley could have one too:)
With their plants before putting them in the ground

Digging holes for their plants

Jaxton's flower
Now two of the three are finally off to bed. I have a lot I'd like to get done still but Korbin keeps stirring and thinks I should stay with him at all times, so I'll probably just head back to bed here shortly...

As for the photo of the day...I realized this afternoon that my photo yesterday was actually from the day before's theme...I was off a day. So I had an idea for what to take a picture of but turned out it was for yesterday's theme:( Today's was 12 o'clock and that had already passed a few hours beforehand and I couldn't find anything creative to use for it so no picture tonight. Tomorrow I'll use the right date and start again I guess!

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