Monday, March 14, 2011

Becoming old

I was drving home from work last night about 2am and started wondering when I started feeling like I'm getting "old." I can't decide on an answer to this though. Of course the first thing that came to mind was when I had kids but I don't think that's it. Then I thought maybe it goes back to when I got married...nah I was only 20 and that is not old. Maybe it was when I decided going to bed anytime after 11 was too late? I have no idea when that was though!

I know I am still young by many standards but there are so many days I just don't feel like it! I'm always ready for bed well before midnight (and working so late is kicking my butt). My body just seem slike it is always sore lately-probably because I am so out of shape and running around like a madwoman at work attributes to this one. I rarely have the ambition to do anything around the house because I feel like I'm missing out on so much time with my kids that I try to spend time playing with them instead of doing anything else (ok sometimes Facebook might jump in my way there too).

But seriously-when did I get so old?!

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