Monday, August 20, 2012

Our FIVE Years Together

It's hard to decide if it seems like it's flown by or like we've been married forever. When I look back and think of how much has happened in the past five years it seems like it's been way longer but at the same time it's gone by in a blink of an eye. We've moved numerous times (I know that's an understatement for those of you who know us), had three amazing children (although today I don't know if I want to claim two of them), and had plenty of ups and downs, but here we are. Don't get me wrong, it hasn't always been easy by any means, but we both have a strong desire to make things work out. I really hope in another five years I can say the same thing...only with less moves and one more kid;) If you're reading this babe I love you and I always will<3 Thank you for always being there for me, even when it has meant sacrificing your own happiness for mine.

Here is a little photo trip down memory lane
Wedding Day<3
Our first Christmas card picture:) We found out we were pregnant with Jax shortly after
Don't mind how horrible we both look but we just welcomed our first little sweetheart into the world!
Out together...both have had a couple it looks like lol
At another wedding
Family picture before adding another little one!
Pregnant again!
At another drinking this time though!
Bentley is welcomed to the world!

Happy Family of Four!

Working together for a short time
Can't see it here but I was pregnant again in this one too lol
Welcoming Mr Korbin to the famly
A few days before our five year anniversary:)
And here's to many more years<3

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