Monday, March 12, 2012


I am officially a proud owner of Adobe Lightroom finally!! I have downloaded the trial a few times and love the program but just couldn't justify spending the money on myself to buy it. Well it was on sale on Feb 29th and so I called up my mom and with her student discount we got it really cheap:) I just finally got it all installed.
This morning was my first time opening by myself at work and it was so boring! Sometimes the idiots that work there really make me wonder if it's worth sticking around for...especially with the pay abd the fact that my husband wants me to just stay home with the kids for now. I actually like my boss though and like having the little bit of money I do make so I stick around.

Except for work I really haven't done much today...laundry and yell at the two older kids since they're just being rotten. I can't wait for a shower and bed!

Here is todays picture. The theme is was between Target or Hobby Lobby for my favorite. I went with Target because I spend more there but it's probably only because Hobby Lobby always has sales and coupons!

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